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The New Process Is Validated! Designation and Approval of Flag Grade Billets
A current list of flag grade billets has been approved. This is the first review and assessment using the new process described in the Subchapter CC23.4, INSTRUCTION 7 “Flag Grade Officer Selection and Assignment” which became effective on February 1, 2005. Briefly, this INSTRUCTION governs:
  • The process for reviewing and evaluating billets to determine those that merit designation at the flag grade, using the criteria contained in the INSTRUCTION.
  • When applicable, the identification of assignments within the Department of Defense (DoD), the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BoP) that merit designation as flag grade billets.
  • The procedures for nominating, assessing, recommending for Secretarial approval, and promoting to flag grade those Corps officers assigned to those billets who have been selected for promotion.
A three year cycle for the review of all flag grade billets has been established. In Year One of the cycle, a complete assessment of the flag grade billet management and promotion system is performed in addition to a comprehensive review of all billets recommended by agencies for consideration for flag designation. In Years Two and Three of the cycle, all organizations are asked to indicate what changes are recommended, if any, to their previously submitted lists of billets.
The application of this INSTRUCTION does not apply to certain billets such as the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH), the Surgeon General, the Deputy Surgeon General, Operating Division (OPDIV) and Staff Division (STAFFDIV) Heads, as well as other positions designated by statute or exempt from review.
After careful study of the process used in past years, a new process was developed for the designation and approval of flag grade billets. The guiding principles of the new process were integrity of the system, reproducibility, and adherence to the criteria of the INSTRUCTION. It is important to note that the criteria that are established in the INSTRUCTION parallel those used by military services, with some modification to reflect differences in the Commissioned Corps. Additionally, while in the past there could potentially be overlapping membership between the flag billet board and the flag promotion board, requirements have been revised so that each is established as an independent body with unique membership.
The July 2005 list of approved flag grade billets is based on recommended billets submitted by HHS’s Operating and Staff Divisions, DoD, BoP, USCG and all other organizations to which Commissioned officers are assigned. These billets were evaluated using objective criteria and senior flag officer review prior to final approval by the ASH, and after consultation with the Surgeon General.
The complete list of flag grade billets has been provided to the Office of the Surgeon General for use by the Flag Officer Promotion Board (FOPB) in its deliberations. It is anticipated that the Office of the Surgeon General will complete the promotion process by 16 September 2005 and the FOPB recommendations will be transmitted to the Assistant Secretary for Health, and promotion recommendations will be forwarded to the Secretary, HHS shortly thereafter.
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