Travel Questions |
Officers of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) MUST
use their chain of command or contact their servicing finance, transportation, or
personnel offices to get help with travel questions. The Commissioned Corps Travel
Coordinator as well as the officer’s Commissioned Corps Liaison and/or local office
staff are able to review circumstances and provide appropriate answers to travel
The Commissioned Corps Travel Coordinator in the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations
is available at phone number 240-453-6051 or by e-mail at
phstravel@hhs.gov. Corps travel information is available on the Commissioned
Corps Management Information System Web site at http://dcp.psc.gov
--click on the ’Services’ tab and then ‘Travel and Transportation Information.’
Also, travel information is available at
https://secureapp2.hqda.pentagon.mil/perdiem/ in the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’
section or in the Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), but please note: Corps
officers are instructed not to contact the JFTR Per Diem Committee’s staff.