EHOPAC Readiness Resources
The purpose of this webpage is to provide up-to-date and relevant readiness and deployment information to Environmental Health Officers. This will provide guidance for officers in preparation, during and following a deployment. Basic readiness is now a condition of service and every Officer is responsible for maintaining their basic force readiness compliance at all times. Readiness checks are performed monthly by Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB). RDB Self-Service in CCMIS Officer Secure area allows officers to check their readiness status 24/7/365.
The Environmental Health Readiness Guide is an excellent place for EHO’s to begin to obtain information and resources about readiness and deployment.
Basic Readiness
Readiness checks are completed monthly. RDB Self-Service in CCMIS Officer Secure area allows officers to check their readiness status 24/7/365.
Basic readiness is a condition of service per Commission Corps Directive 111.03, and every Officer is responsible for maintaining their basic force readiness compliance at all times. Failure to meet a condition of service may result in administrative action. As determined by the ASH, an officer who fails to meet any condition of service may have his/her records referred to an Involuntary Termination Board, Administrative Separation Board, Involuntary Retirement Board, Medical Review Board, or other involuntary separation process.
Maintaining readiness is a vital component to ensuring that the Public Health Service has officers that are physically capable of deploying to austere environments. Immediately upon their Call to Active Duty, new officers must begin the process of meeting the readiness standards.
Refer to the RDB– Down to Basics Checklist for guidance regarding maintaining basic readiness.
Corps Retention Weight Standards
On July 10, 2017, weight standards were approved for all U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officers. The standards went into effect on October 1, 2018. The approved weight standards can be found here.
The Dietitian PAC has a lot of great resources for monitoring nutrition and fitness. Additionally, they have devised a Weight Management Program Online, to assist officers in meeting their target weight. The Weight Management Program was developed by a group of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in the Commissioned Corps. Officers can access the Weight Management Modules here.
Additional Readiness Resources
Below is a list of additional resources compiled by the Readiness Subcommittee based on Frequently Asked Questions received from EHO’s regarding readiness:
Additional Environmental Health Emergency Response Resources
Readiness Presentations Summary Sheets - Coming Soon!
Environmental Health Officers Deployment Resource DVD
The Environmental Health Officers Deployment Resource DVD provides information on common environmental health issues faced in disasters. It is organized into five sections: General Environmental Health, Food Safety, Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene, Hazardous Waste/Materials, and Safety Officer.
Environmental Health Officers Deployment Pamphlet
CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response Website
The CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response website is CDC's primary source of information and resources for preparing for and responding to public health emergencies. The site continues to keep the public informed about public health emergencies and provides the information needed to protect and save lives.
Water-Related Emergencies and Outbreaks
Water-related emergency preparedness and outbreak response has become one of the most significant and crucial issues in recent history. The CDC Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene (WASH)-related Emergencies and Outbreaks website, advises individuals, families, and businesses on how to be prepared by creating disaster supply kits. Emergencies can include natural disasters (i.e. hurricanes, floods, and droughts), man-made disasters (i.e. intentional contamination), and outbreaks (i.e. infections linked to water exposure). This website also includes information about additional preparedness resources include preparedness toolkits, preparedness training, and directions for emergency disinfection.
Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025
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