Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Engineer Professional Advisory Committee

Reflections on Public Health: CAPT Hart and Sanitation (2006) - This podcast consists of segments of an interview with Capt. Russell Hart, a 100 year old retired sanitary engineer of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps as he reflects on his work in environmental sanitation and the development of local health departments. Running time = 11:18

Reflections on Public Health: Captain Hart and Malaria (2006) - This podcast consists of segments of an interview with Capt. Russell Hart, a 100 year old retired sanitary engineer of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps as he reflects on his work in malaria control.  Running time = 7:34

Save a Day (1941) - Produced by PHS, this WWII video archive addresses industrial accidents and their prevention.  Running time = 12:00 

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