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 Assimilation and Travel Information Sources

Please review the Commissioned Corps Instruction (CCI) 324.01, “Regular Corps Assimilation Program,” http://dcp.psc.gov/eccis/documents/CCPM23_3_7.pdf, for policy and procedures for appointment to the Regular Corps under the assimilation program. In addition, the Regular Corps Assimilation Program Personnel Operations Memorandum, http://dcp.psc.gov/eccis/documents/POM07_002.pdf, details the specific standard operating procedures throughout the assimilation process. Officers may also e-mail specific assimilation questions to the Commissioned Corps Assimilation Coordinator at phsassimilations@hhs.gov


Please refer to the USPHS Travel and Transportation Information Center: http://dcp.psc.gov/Travel/travel1.asp. Officers may also e-mail specific travel and transportation questions to the Commissioned Corps Travel Coordinator at phstravel@hhs.gov
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