Meet the Chief Professional Officers Board |
Members of the Chief Professional Officers Board (left to right): RADM Rick Barror (ENG); RADM Chris Halliday
(DEN); RADM Robert Pittman (PHARM); RADM Richard Wyatt (ROG, ex-officio); CAPT David Rutstein (MED);
RADM Carol Romano (NUR); CAPT Craig Shepherd (EHO); CAPT Linda Morris Brown (HSO); CAPT Charles McGarvey
(THER); CAPT Helena Mishoe (SCI); CAPT Bill Stokes (VET); CAPT Jan Huy (DIET); and CDR Doris Ravenell-Brown
(Executive Secretary). |
The Chief Professional Officers (CPOs) are the liaisons between the professional categories of the
Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) and the Surgeon General. They are appointed
by the Surgeon General and perform the duties of their position concurrently with their Operating Division
or agency assignment. Among a number of duties, each CPO provides leadership and direction for their
category, and serves as the advocate for the category in areas of interest to the Corps. The CPOs are
responsible for ensuring the professional growth of the members of their category. They are also
responsible for overseeing strategic and tactical plans for recruiting and retaining trained and
experienced members of the category. |
While the Corps has benefited from CPOs for decades, there has not been a formal leadership forum
representing all CPOs until recently. With the support of the Acting Surgeon General, the Board of the
U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) Chief Professional Officers (CPO Board) was established in July 2002.
The CPO Board is now the premier career officer leadership council for the Corps. The CPO Board provides
a Corps/PHS-wide focus rather than a professional category or agency focus on current issues. Specific
goals of the CPO Board include: |
- Coordinate leadership efforts across all professional categories;
- Provide integrated advice, assistance and a coordinated response to the Surgeon General and
Assistant Secretary for Health on policy proposals, reports, or other matters referred to the CPO Board;
- Identify and proactively address cross-cutting category issues;
- Strengthen relationships with counterparts from the other Federal Services and the professions.
During the last year, the CPO Board has undertaken several projects, including the independent review and
submission of comments regarding:
- The awards nomination process and authorities for award approvals;
- The transformation precepts;
- Readiness and response plan;
- The CPO personnel policy manual document;
- Proposed “3 H” (hazardous, hard to fill, and hardship duty sites) promotion policy and 6th precept promotion policy;
- The commissioning of chiropractors in the Corps; and
- The “Three and Freeze” policy.
The current Chair of the CPO Board is CAPT William Stokes (Veterinary CPO) and the current vice-Chair is
CAPT Linda Morris Brown (HSO CPO). Their 1-year terms end 30 June, when RADM Rick Barror (Engineer CPO)
will become the Chair and RADM Robert Pittman (Pharmacy CPO) will become the vice-Chair. |