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RADM W. Craig Vanderwagen Appointment and CAPT Mark Dybul Confirmation
from ADM John O. Agwunobi, Assistant Secretary for Health
RADM W. Craig Vanderwagen was appointed by President Bush on 25 July to be the Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency Preparedness at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). On 17 July, President Bush nominated CAPT Mark Dybul to be the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator at the U.S. Department of State, and he was confirmed on 3 August.
Prior to being named Assistant Secretary by President Bush, RADM Vanderwagen served as a Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary for Preparedness at HHS and Director of the Office of Clinical and Preventative Services and Acting Chief Medical Officer at the Indian Health Service, HHS.
CAPT Dybul most recently served as the Acting U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator at the U.S. Department of State, and now will lead global AIDS efforts with the rank of Ambassador.
Please join me in congratulating RADM Vanderwagen and CAPT Dybul and wishing them well in their new endeavors. This is a testament to their hard work and knowledge in these important areas. Indeed, there is recognition at the highest levels of the continued importance of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service and its work throughout the Nation and around the world. Congratulations, gentlemen.
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