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Engineer PAC Membership - Call for Nominations
Deadline Date: 30 June 2006
The Engineer Professional Advisory Committee (EPAC) is seeking motivated Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) officers and civil service engineers and architects who are interested in serving as members on this committee. The EPAC provides advice and consultation to the Chief Engineer and, through that individual, to the Surgeon General on matters relating to professional activities and personnel issues affecting engineers and architects. Members represent a diverse cross-section of Corps and civil service engineers and architects within the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Operating Divisions (OPDIV)/Staff Divisions (STAFFDIV) and non-HHS organizations to which Corps officers are assigned.
Each year self-nominations are sought to fill vacancies due to expiring terms. The 3-year term appointment begins on 1 January 2007. The Chief Engineer will recommend successful candidates to the Surgeon General for appointment, with the concurrence of line supervisors and OPDIV/STAFFDIV and non-HHS organization representatives. The EPAC meets 10 times a year by tele/video conference. Travel is not required for membership. Regular attendance at the meetings is expected throughout the term of membership. EPAC members are expected to actively participate in the activities of at least two subcommittees during the term of service. Some of the activities conducted by EPAC for the Chief Engineer include the mentoring, awards, and career development programs.
Corps or civil service engineers and architects who are interested are encouraged to self-nominate. Interested individuals should submit a current curriculum vitae (CV) and documentation that shows endorsement from their immediate supervisor to participate. Self-nomination forms can be obtained from the EPAC Web page located at http://www.usphsengineers.org. Alternatively, you may contact the EPAC Rules Subcommittee Chair (see contact information below). The CV and endorsed nomination form must be sent via e-mail (preferred), postmarked, or faxed no later than 30 June 2006. Individuals should submit their complete nomination package to:
CDR Dave Ausdemore
EPAC Rules Subcommittee Chair
1600 Clifton Road, NE (Mailstop F-05)
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: 404-639-1464
Fax: 404-639-2294
E-mail: dausdemore@cdc.gov
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