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2008 Flag Grade Billet Evaluation and Designation Completed
The authority to designate and approve flag grade billets for the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) resides with the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH), pursuant to CC23.4.7, “Flag Grade Officer Selection and Assignment.”
The ASH, through the Office of Commissioned Corps Force Management (OCCFM), reviews the approved flag officer billet list to ensure the needs of the Department and the Corps are met. Every 3 years, a comprehensive billet assessment is completed. At the direction of the ASH, OCCFM initiated this process in 2008. OCCFM requested that Operating Divisions (OPDIVs), Staff Divisions (STAFFDIVs), the Department of Defense, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons submit for review all existing flag grade billets and any new billets they wished to be considered.
With the information supplied by the responding entities, OCCFM developed a proposed rank order list using a two-step process. A review of each newly proposed billet was first conducted by the Flag Grade Billet Review Team (FGBRT). This team was composed of members from the OPDIVs/STAFFDIVs. All members were permanent O-6 grade officers who met qualifying officer standards. Using the criteria contained in CC23.4.7, the submitted billets were reviewed and scored.
In the second step of the process, the preliminary rank order listing of the submitted billets, by proposed rank, was reviewed by a team of O-8 grade officers selected by the ASH. The Flag Grade Billet Validation Team (FGBVT) reviewed the preliminary listing of scored billets by proposed rank and made adjustments, if needed, to the rankings. These adjustments were based on the FGBVT’s assessment of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the billet, their review of the billets and the accompanying assessment, and the agency ranking. Both the FGBRT and the FGBVT were asked to provide comments and ideas that would allow the process to be strengthened.
As a result of this process, billets are established as either an O-8 or O-7 flag grade designation as determined by the nature of the complexity of duties and responsibilities. In addition, based on the information provided, billets submitted may be found not to merit designation as a flag grade billet.
The ASH designates which billets are to be flag grade billets. This list is then provided to the Office of the Surgeon General for inclusion in the Corps’ billet system and for use by the Flag Officer Promotion Board for its deliberations. All organizations that submitted billets for evaluation in the review cycle receive written notification from the ASH of the grading of their billets.
Listed here are the flag grade billets, in agency order, that were reviewed and approved in 2008.
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