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In Memoriam – Ms. Martha Sibert
With the death of Ms. Martha Sibert on October 2, 2007, the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) lost an unsung hero. Martha spent more than 30 years of her government career working in support of the Corps. The vast majority of those years were aimed at ensuring officers were properly paid. In fact, until her retirement earlier this year, Martha had a hand in every payroll that had ever been run by the Corps.
Upon her retirement, Martha was the Chief of the Active Duty Pay Section in the Compensation Branch. In one way or another, she touched the lives of every Corps officer as she carefully labored to ensure every monthly payroll was accurate and on-time. For those who never had the pleasure of knowing Martha, she was kind, generous, selfless, honest, and completely dedicated to getting the job done right. She worked long hours nearly every day and most weekends, driven by her desire to make sure every payroll transaction was correct.
Humanity has lost one of its best, and the Corps was very fortunate to have been the focus of her life’s work.
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