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Medical Officer Position as Health Attaché to Iraq
The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Global Health Affairs is seeking a senior medical officer for a 1-year detail as the HHS Health Attaché to Iraq. A brief description of the requirements of the position follow:
Physician only - O-6 rank; must coordinate all HHS health assets; work directly with Iraq Health Ministry; have both technical abilities in health programs and diplomatic skills; agency must pay salary; agency must pay travel; and 1-year assignment with chance for yet to be determined regional rest and recuperation (R&R) and/or home leave trips.
If interested, please submit: (1) a current curriculum vitae, and (2) a brief letter addressed to:
Dr. David Smith
Office of Global Health Affairs
Room 639-H
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201
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