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Naval Sea Cadet Corps Seeking Volunteers
The Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) is for American youth, ages 13 through 17, who have a desire to learn about the Navy, Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines. Sea Cadets are authorized by the Secretary of the Navy to wear Navy uniforms appropriately marked with the NSCC insignia. The objectives of the Sea Cadet program are to introduce youth to naval life, to develop in them a sense of pride, patriotism, courage, and self-reliance, and to maintain an environment free of drugs and gangs.
The Pathfinder Unit of the NSCC regularly drills at Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD. Currently, there are 30 active Sea Cadets involved with the program. The unit is under the direction of seven adult leaders in which three are active duty officers of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service.
Given the rapid program growth witnessed this past year, we are looking for additional adult volunteers to assist in the drills, leadership, and administrative duties. We are in desperate need of female officers. Should you be interested, please contact the unit’s executive officer, LCDR David Staten, USPHS, at statend@fda.hhs.gov
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