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Promotion Ceremony
Commissioned Officer Promotion Ceremony Held at the National Institutes of Health
On 11 July 2006, 39 officers of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) who work at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were honored at the 4th Annual Public Heath Service Commissioned Officer Promotion Ceremony, held in the Masur Auditorium. Dr. Elias Zerhouni, Director, NIH, and Surgeon General VADM Richard H. Carmona gave keynote remarks and officiated along with Deputy Surgeon General RADM Kenneth P. Moritsugu, the Chief Professional Officer, family members, and coworkers in the placement of promotion boards for each officer. RADM Richard Wyatt read personal statements describing officers’ rewarding aspects of their profession, and LCDR Brent Bonfiglio read the “call to orders” for each rank.
RADM Wyatt gave Dr. Zerhouni a Hurricane Katrina Operations coin in “recognition of his support for NIH Corps officers who deployed for relief efforts in Hurricane Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.” He acknowledged “the increased number of officers being promoted this year,” and noted the future challenge of calling more officers to active duty annually to meet or even exceed the number of retiring officers.
Dr. Zerhouni remarked how important the Corps was especially in the response to Hurricane Katrina and how “during transformation of the Corps, each agencies’ mission should be enhanced as a result of that transformation.”
VADM Carmona welcomed the opportunity to be present at the ceremony to honor the career advancement of the promoted officers and said they “inspire him every day.” VADM Carmona awarded Dr. Zerhouni the Surgeon General’s Medallion for his support of the Corps.
Officers honored were:
Medical Officers
CAPT Judith Bader, CAPT Carlo Contoreggi, CAPT Thomas Eggerman, CAPT Sharon Jackson, CAPT Jeffrey Kopp, CAPT Mark Miller, CAPT David Ng, CAPT Calman Prussin, CAPT Pamela Stratton, CAPT John Tisdale, CDR Mark Roth, and CDR Jaye Viner.
Dental Officers
CAPT Michael Arnold and LCDR Sheetal Patel.
Nurse Officers
CAPT Reginald Claypool, CAPT Edwina Smith, CDR Lisa Barnhart, CDR Michelle Braun, CDR Chad Koratich, CDR Moira McGuire, LCDR Robyn Bent, LCDR Wanda Chestnut, LCDR Martin Hamilton, LCDR Michael Krumlauf, LCDRLaura Longstaff, and LCDR Venetta Thompson.
Scientist Officers
CAPT Francois Lalonde, CAPT Richard Troiano, and LCDR John Stansberry.
Veterinary Officers
CAPT Brent Morse, CAPT Kathy Perdue-Greenfield, and CAPT Joseph Schech.
Pharmacy Officers
CAPT Christine Chamberlain, CAPT William Figg, CAPT Stacey Henning, and CDR Richard Decederfelt.
Health Services Officers
CDR Elizabeth Scott, LCDR Janet Cliatt, and LCDR Chauha Pham.
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