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Domestic Violence Awareness 

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is at the leading edge in providing education and information in an effort to reduce the incidence of domestic violence. Information on available programs and statistics may be found on the HHS Web site – http://www.dhhs.gov – under ‘Families & Children.’ 

The goal of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) is to prevent domestic violence before it happens, and to provide intervention and rehabilitation as necessary. The Corps seeks to reduce and prevent the incidence of domestic/family violence -- specifically spouse or partner abuse; child, sibling and/or parent abuse and neglect; and elder abuse and neglect. For information referencing domestic violence policy read - http://dcp.psc.gov/eccis/documents/CCPM29_3_3.pdf. Although the number of reported incidents among Corps officers is relatively low, when it occurs, it not only affects the health and well being of officers and their family members, but also compromises the mission of the Corps.  

Active-duty and retired officers and/or family members concerned with this issue are encouraged to seek early assistance through the Uniformed Services’ healthcare system’s Family Advocacy Program, or through the civilian sector if outside the catchments area of a military facility. Additional information on the Family Advocacy Program is found on their Web site - http://www.dod.mil/fapmip/. Officers or their family members may also obtain assistance by calling the Medical Affairs Branch, Office of Commissioned Corps Support Services, Program Support Center, HHS, at 1-800-368-2777, option 3.  

If you are aware of any incidents of domestic violence, contact the Adverse Actions Officer, Office of Commissioned Corps Operations, Office of the Surgeon General, HHS, at 240-453-6002.  

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