Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

American Indian Alaskan Native Commissioned Officer Advisory Committee



American Indian/Alaska Native Commissioned Officer

Advisory Committee




AI/ANCOAC Home                                                                                      

Welcome to the official website of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) American Indian/Alaska Navtive Commissioned Officers Advisory Committee (AI/ANCOAC). The United States Surgeon General chartered AI/ACOAC on February 11, 1993.


The AI/ANCOAC provides advice and consultation to the Surgeon General on issues related toprofessional practice and the personnel activities (Commissioned Corps or Civil Service) of American Indians and Alaska Native individuals. The AI/ANCOAC provides similar advisory assistance to the Minority Officers Liaison Council (MOLC) and, upon request, to Agency and/or Program Heads of the Public Health Service (PHS) and to non-PHS programs that routinely use PHS personnel.


AIANCOAC Newsletter



Winter 2018 

Spring 2019 

Fall-Winter 2019 

Winter 2020 

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OSG site launched!!!

This is the first RSS/News Feed for the osg site. What our feed for updates on our activities.

Tue, 17 Mar 2015 06:14:00 EST

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