Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

American Indian Alaskan Native Commissioned Officer Advisory Committee


Our Executive Leadership serves on a one year term with elections held at the end of the year. Leaders are nominated and confirmed by membership vote. The duties and responsibilities to the committee are performed in conjunction with their normal job assignments.

2021 Elected Officers:

  • Chair: CDR Janet Hayes
  • Chair-Elect: LCDR Kenneth Stearns
  • Secretary: LCDR Adele Davis
  • Treasurer: CDR Carol Cummins

Subcommittee Chairs:

  • Awards Chair - LCDR Melissa Schossow and LCDR Julianne June-Harvey
  • Bylaws/Charter Chair - CDR Lynette Wasson
  • Communications Chair - CDR Kari Wato and LCDR Verdaleen Denetdale
  • Cultural Chair - LCDR Amber Beardslee
  • Fundraising Chair - CDR Velliyah Craig
  • Membership Chair - CAPT Geri Tagliaferri and CDR William Freiberg
  • Mentoring and Career Development: - CDR Dodson Frank
  • Recruitment and Retention Chair - LCDR Shannon Saltclah and LCDR Venus Uttchin
  • Community Outreach: - CDR Mike Henson and LCDR MacArthur Lucio

Page Last Modified on 1/27/2021

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