Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Asian Pacific American Officer Committee



In carrying out its broad mission and objectives, the functions of the APAOC shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Provide general professional advice and recommendations:
    • Review and comment on issues referred to the APAOC by the Surgeon General, Minority Officers Liaison Council, Chief Professional Officers, Professional Advisory Committees, HHS Agencies, and/or Department Operating Divisions.
    • Deliberate issues, develop findings, and present recommendations to the MOLC and/or the Surgeon General.
  2. Act as primary resource for career development:
    • Advise on Commissioned corps (CC) and Civil Service (CS) practices related to career development.
    • Advise on operating practices affecting the appropriate/optimum use of personnel to best meet PHS needs and the needs of the individual.
    • Identify both continuing and long-term intramural/extramural education needs of APA, and identify and recommend training and/or experience opportunities designed to meet these needs.
    • Advise on issues related to PHS promotion practices and for commissioned officers, assimilation into Regular Corps for APA officers.
  3. Provide advice and assistance on staffing issues:
    • Assess and project the need for APA staffing levels, both CC and CS, throughout the PHS.
    • Provide advice on goals, objectives, and procedures designed to meet PHS staffing needs.
    • Provide guidance for recruitment in short-term student affiliation programs (COSTEP, summer interns, etc.).
    • Develop, and/or review and critique, specific PHS recruitment materials, procedures and programs.
    • Establish networks of current, as well as former, PHS professionals, who can assist ad, facilitate recruitment activities.
    • Provide guidance to formally identified PHS recruiters concerning the recruitment of qualified APA candidates to the PHS.
    • Assist in the development of orientation materials for newly-hired professionals and provide advice/recommendations concerning orientation programs.
    • Communicate and encourage appropriate use of awards/recognition systems:
      • Identify, establish, and help administer awards to APA. The awards will be either: Honor Awards to commissioned Officers, merit Awards to Civil Servants, or Special Awards to non-PHS individuals.
      • Maintain cognizance of existing CC and CS award programs and opportunities.
  4. Serve as a communication link and information resource for APA:
    • Communicate to the CC and CS APA important information concerning professional and technical issues.
    • Encourage individual membership in, and involvement with, respective professional organizations and societies to promote open communication with non-Federal colleagues.
    • Ensure the distribution of minutes and/or other APAOC developed materials to all PAC Chairpersons, all CPOs, MOLC, the Surgeon General, and, to the extent possible and appropriate, to Asian pacific American CC and CS professional staff.

Page Last Modified on 1/31/2012

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