Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Engineer Professional Advisory Committee

Special Topic Projects Work Group

The Special Topic Projects Work Group researches and develops guidelines to identified issues USPHS Engineers face in their agencies or deployments.

Sustainable Pipes

Minimize global warming impacts through effective pipe material selection for water/waste water construction projects.

Lead: CAPT Steven Bosiljevac

The Military Engineer: Selecting Sustainable Pipe Material

Small Scale Package Wastewater Treatment Plants Work Group

The Small Scale Package Wastewater Treatment Plants Work Group is focused on highlighting successful installations at the National Park Service parks for small scale package wastewater treatment plants that can be applicable in an array of environments.

Lead: CAPT Luke Schulte

Past Projects

Past projects include workshops on engineering deployment skills at the annual USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium Engineering Category Day and development of healthy building initiatives.

Current projects:

  • Identify and disseminate engineering practices that can build sustainable and resilient features into infrastructure that are impacted by changing climates and severe weather.

o Relevance: National Parks Service, Indian Health Service, All Facilities Managers

  • Assess the ability of 3D printable designs and local printing capacity to fulfill need for replacement parts and other items that are impacted by supply chain problems.

o Relevance: Any duty station that has experienced problems with obtaining supplies

  • Publications to increase the real world applicability of information available for N95 and other NIOSH certified respirators including their use and standard procedures.

o Relevance: All engineers who need to use respirators for work or deployments

Page Last Modified on 1/5/2022

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