Subgroups (Priority Areas)
I. Communications (Team Lead: CDR Wendy Cheung)
- The EPAC R&R webpage contains recruitment documents that have become outdated. The recruitment material from the EPAC website will be reviewed to identify outdated material and evaluated to determine whether the information can be updated and retained. The information on the webpage will be updated to support individual recruitment efforts by officers.
- Develop a recruitment and retention presentation for Category Day 2022
- Develop at least one newsletter article related to a recruitment or retention topic
- Facilitate networking meetings among officers throughout different regions
II. Recruitment Training & Tracking (Team Lead: LCDR Jonathan Ireland)
- Update the database of ABET accredited colleges and universities career fairs. The updated information will be shared with engineer officers already recruiting and officers interested in starting recruitment efforts.
- Investigate modeling the category makeup (e.g., rank, agency, etc.) to evaluate retirement and separation trends and identify recruitment needs
- Track Recruitment Efforts Nationally: Gather data from PHS Engineers about their recruiting efforts to compile the data to determine how to get individuals to consider a career with the USPHS
- Develop a contact list of engineers from various agencies and disciplines and provide access to that information to the category. The points of contact are available to provide applicants insight about the agency and give them an idea on the types of jobs engineers perform in PHS.
- Develop and present at least one recruitment webinar per year for engineer officers
III. Vacancies and Applicants lists Distributions (Team Lead: LCDR Charles Thompson)
- Update EPAC Vacancy list on the EPAC website twice a month
- Publish EPAC Engineer Announcements monthly
- Coordinate with agency liaisons and hiring officials for open positions/billets available to CC Engineers
- Monitor the USAJobs website for eligible vacancies for PHS engineers
- Monitor the GovMax site for positions available with DHS/ICE
IV. Policy Awareness (Team Leads: LCDR Chris Peltier/LT Eni Rotimi)
- Serve as point of contact to maintain knowledge and awareness of policy affecting recruitment and retention of engineer officers to duty in active service, reserves, and the COSTEP program
- Serve as point of contact on policy issues impacting retention and identify policy changes that could aid retention
Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025
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