Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Minority Officers Liaison Council


Education & Training

Cultural Competency - HHS Resources

Focused website with online courses to develop cultural competence in healthcare

Cultural Competency - External Sources

  • Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development Oversees the National Center for Cultural Competence: (supported through MCHB-HRSA) to increase the capacity of health and mental health programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems
  • EthnoMed Contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrant and refugee groups. Excellent hands on clinical tools are available to help the practitioner work with and provide health information to recent immigrant and refugee groups. Sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation, and University of Washington.
  • California Brief Multicultural Competency Scale: Multicultural Training Program: Helping MH Practitioners Deliver Culturally Competent Care: 


Page Last Modified on 11/3/2017

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