Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Physician Professional Advisory Committee

Benefits Subcommittee


LCDR Jeneita Bell (CDC)

LCDR Susan Hocevar (CDC)

LCDR Rachel Idowu (CDC)


  • To inform and educate potential and current Medical Officers about benefits available while in active duty; to provide gateway information to officers in retirement planning regarding benefits that may be available to them
  • To prepare readily accessible and current information
  • To advise the PPAC and CPO on specific benefits issues


  • Commissioned Corps Medical Officers, potential recruits, the PPAC, and our CPO will be knowledgeable about all available and applicable benefits

Update as of 3/30/16

  • Sub-committee meets 3rd Friday (1400 EST):
  • Bridge line: 1-877-926-9015, Participant Code: 1082994
  • If you have questions about membership or suggestions for benefits education for the PPAC:



For more information please select the Benefits for PHS Officer tab to the left!

Page Last Modified on 3/30/2016

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