Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Scientist Professional Advisory Committee

SciPAC Bibliography

Scientist Officers conduct high-quality science at their duty stations—in fields ranging from psychology to nutrition to molecular biology and beyond. The annual SciPAC Bibliography is a compilation of Scientist Officers’ publications and presentations. The bibliography highlights the wide array of scientific expertise as well as impact and reach of the Scientist Category. To remain current, a new Bibliography is created each year with work completed in the previous year. The bibliographies are organized into four sections: Publications, Books and Book Chapters, Reports, and Presentations. Each section is in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. Scientist Officers’ names are bolded.

2010 bibliography

2011 bibliography

2012 bibliography

2013 bibliography

2014 bibliography

2015 bibliography

2016 bibliography

2017 bibliography

2018 bibliography

2019 bibliography

2020 bibliography

2021 bibliography

Page Last Modified on 10/22/2022

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