Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Scientist Professional Advisory Committee

Career Development Subcommittee

Chair: CDR Adriana Restrepo

Co-Chair: CDR Nancy Tian

Co-Chair: LCDR Mary Puckett*

 * indicates non-voting member

Standard Operating Procedure [PDF]


To advise the SciPAC on issues affecting Commissioned Corps Scientists’ career progression, assignments, evaluations, promotions, and job satisfaction.

  • Provide guidance on Scientist Category CV
  • Coordinate a CV/OS Review Service for Scientist officers
  • Provide weekly job lists for Scientist officers
  • Update the Scientist Officer Handbook
  • Provide information regarding promotion, position classification (billets), the Commissioned Officers Evaluation Report (COER), and training

Career Development Subcommittee TEAMS

The roles and responsibilities of the Career Development Subcommittee are currently divided across a number of teams, given the breadth of activities.

Promotion Guidance Team

The Promotion Guidance Team provides Scientist officers with guidance in preparing in advance of being eligible for promotion and in preparing promotion materials. The team has recently developed Scientist specific guidelines for the Officer Statement (OS) and the Promotion Benchmarks.

Scientist Category Officer Statement (OS) Guidance – last updated in 2019

Scientist Category Officer Guidance to the Promotion Benchmarks – last updated in 2022

Promotion Document Review Team

The Promotion Document Review Team provides promotion document reviewing services by senior officers to individual Scientist officers who are up for promotion.  A CV and OS review service is provided each fall for promotion-eligible Scientist officers. The Career Development Subcommittee will solicit promotion documents for review during monthly SciPAC calls and through the Scientist Category listserv, and will also request volunteers to help with these reviews. All Scientist officers are strongly encouraged to follow the most current SciPAC CV Guidelines when creating or updating their CV. If you are interested in having your CV reviewed at another time during the year, please contact the Career Development Subcommittee Chairperson or Co-Chairperson(s).

Continuing Education Contact Hours Initiative Team

The Continuing Education Contact Hour Initiative Team identifies, compiles, , and distributes continuing education (CE) opportunities to support SciPAC officers in meeting the annual CE requirement.

The list of Continuing Education Contact Hours-last updated 07/13/2023

Job List Team

The Job List Team identifies, compiles, highlights, and distributes job/position announcements to aid current officers in securing new billets. The job list highlights the range of billet opportunities and should help those currently seeking a new billet as well as those interested in career progression and planning for the future. With the sharing of the job list, the team aims to help officers position themselves for these positions either immediately or for future career planning.

Promotion Panel Initiative Team

The Promotion Panel Initiative Team generates data-driven insight into factors that may relate to success or non-success of promotion-eligible Scientist officers. This team collects information from recently-promoted officers through both panels and surveys, to better understand the promotion process and the factors that may contribute to successful promotion of Scientist officers. This team provides information regarding presentations during SciPAC calls, as well as interviews recently promoted officers to better under the promotion process.  Career Development Profile Reports developed by the team can be accessed at the links below.

Scientist Category Career Development Profile: Promotion Years 2019/2020

Scientist Category Career Development Profile: Promotion Year 2018

Scientist Category Career Development Profile: Promotion Year 2017

Scientist Officer Handbook Team

The Scientist Officer Handbook provides Scientist officers with guidance on various topics related to career development: (1) performance, (2) education, training, and professional development (3) career progression and potential, (4) officership, and (5) readiness. This team reviews the Handbook on a regular basis to provide the most current information to Scientist officers. Individual chapters can be accessed from the Scientist Officer Handbook  webpage under Resources and Links.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Team

The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Team maintains a current version of the SOP of the Career Development Subcommittee. SciPAC SOPs are scheduled to be updated triennially. On an annual basis, the SOP team performs a brief review of the SOP and collects updates in preparation for the triennial submission.

Training Team

This team provides professional training seminars and presentations related to the career development of Scientist officers. These trainings occur at the end of regular SciPAC general meetings and are announced via the Scientist Category listserv. Past trainings have included presentations on preparing for promotion, factors that may relate to promotion success, exceptional proficiency promotion, retirement, and award writing. If you have suggestions for training topics, please contact the Career Development Subcommittee Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons.

Administration and Communications Team

The Administration & Communications Team provides administrative and communication support to the Subcommittee. One of the key responsibilities of this team is the coordination and dissemination of information via the SciPAC website. The Team Website Liaison  liaises and collaborates with the SciPAC Website Subcommittee regarding Career Development Subcommittee updates. The Secretary provides administrative and communication support, such as providing meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and maintaining the Subcommittee roster.

Page Last Modified on 8/30/2024

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