Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Scientist Professional Advisory Committee

Rules and Membership Subcommittee

Chair: CDR Colleen Scott

Co-Chair: CDR Lana Rossiter

Co-Chair: LCDR Angela Coulliette-Salmond*

 * indicates non-voting member

Standard Operating Procedure [PDF]


To address issues relevant to the operating procedures of the SciPAC. The subcommittee makes recommendations to the SciPAC on actions necessary for smooth administrative operation and addresses issues that may arise which do not fit the responsibilities of the other standing subcommittees.

  • Review and update the SciPAC charter every 2-3 years or as needed with approval by the Office of the Surgeon General.
  • Review and update the SciPAC Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) annually.
  • Review and update the subcommittee Standard Operating Procedures annually.
  • Facilitate SciPAC voting membership nomination process annually, including approval of nominees by the Office of the Surgeon General.
  • Address SciPAC bylaws, election procedures, and general operations.
  • Promote SciPAC attendance and participation and recommend attendance-related membership changes to SciPAC Chairperson.
SciPAC Charter & Standard Operating Procedures

Charter [PDF] - last reviewed August 2017

SOP [PDF] - last reviewed March 2021

SciPAC Charter and Subcommittee SOP Submission and Approval Matrix [PDF]

Page Last Modified on 9/27/2023

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