Strategic Growth Committee
The Mission of the Strategic Growth Committee is to grow the Therapist Category by number, responsibilities, provisions of care, geographical locations and Agencies served, to increase the promotion and protection of community health.
Chair: CDR Alice Hopper
Deputy: CAPT Joe Otto
Subcommittees under this committee include:
Outreach and Development Subcommittee
Chair: LCDR William Church ( The primary
responsibilities of the Outreach and Development Subcommittee are:
- Maintain contact lists identifying non-traditional and clinical positions in the
Department of Health and Human Services that may be occupied by
Therapists to facilitate category growth. Monthly updates to this list will be
provided to the Committee chair.
- Share any known multidisciplinary billet vacancies in HHS and non-HHS
Departments that employ PHS Officers.
- Provide broad range of discipline specific equipment necessities, insight
for clinic priorities, and space utilization for development of new or
renovated clinical settings.
- Provide information and guidance for development of clinical and outreach
programs (i.e. telehealth, primary care, urgent care)
- Research and disseminate current and resourceful national information
pertaining to the disciplines of the Therapist Category.
- Standards Lead:
▪ Monitors discipline standards and recommends changes for the
category as professional requirements evolve.
Recruitment Subcommittee
Chair: LT Joshua Caulder ( The primary responsibilities of the
Recruitment Subcommittee are:
- Communicate with the Chair of the Strategic Growth Committee regarding
any significant changes with availability of positions and various policies
that could affect the category recruiting.
- Work with agency liaisons discipline representatives, to maintain
communication with national groups that affect the recruitment of potential
therapists for the Therapist Category.
Ready Reserve Lead: LT Courtney Jones ( The Ready Reserve Lead serves as the point of contact for Ready Reserve Recruitment within the Therapist Category
The Applicant List Lead:LT Courtney Jones (
- Tracks known applicants and communicates with the Chief
Professional Officer via the Strategic Growth Committee Chair.
- Monitors the OBC graduation list for new therapist officers being
called to active duty and updates the applicant list accordingly.
- Forwards the updated applicant list to the Strategic Growth
Committee and Recruitment Subcommittee Chairs and to other
Committee members prior to committee meetings.
- Maintains a list of current therapist applicant mentors. Applicant
mentors will provide support and answer questions regarding the
Commissioned Corps, and share current vacancy lists with
- Ensures that every applicant is contacted by a mentor with the
opportunity to participate in the applicant assistance program, with
the applicant/mentor relationship remaining in effect until the
applicant is called to active duty.
- Maintains an updated applicant list utilizing feedback from the
mentors. This may include input such as applicant’s specialty,
geographic and agency preference, and application and
commissioning status. The mentor may assist coordinating contact
between applicants and hiring managers to learn more about
potential duty stations.
Vacancy List Lead: LT Shantel Blume ( Responsible for contacting the PHS agencies and regions regarding current availability of therapist positions throught the Corps. This information is updated at least bimonthly and published on the TPAC All Partners Access Network (
Academic Lead(s): LT Joseph Douglass and LT Sarah Lyrata ( Responsible for oversight of the Therapist Category University Points of Contact (UPOC) program
- The Academic Lead(s):
- Oversees the University Points of Contact (UPOC) program.
▪ Strives to increase awareness of the TPAC and career
opportunities to any accredited program in the disciplines of
audiology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, respiratory, or
speech language pathology through (1) University website links, (2)
Career expos, (3) Roundtable and panel discussions, and (4) Other
college and USPHS activities to educate faculty and students
regarding public health, therapy and professional practices as it
relates to public health and the USPHS, for future USPHS
assignments and maintain a working relationship within each
▪ Works to increase accessibility of the UPOC to occupational
therapy, physical therapy, respiratory, speech, and audiology
students and faculty through (1) UPOC contact information posted
on the TPAC website, (2) Conference calls with interested students
and faculty, (3) Guidance to students in regard to career path
options, (4) Preceptorship, (5) Attendance at university activities,
(6) Provision of speakers to aid the universities professional
activities, (7) Presentation of USPHS student honor awards, and (8)
Availability to serve university’s professional advisory committees.
▪ Is tasked with establishing a relationship between the UPOC
initiative and the Commissioned Corps Headquarters (CCHQ)
including (1) Junior and Senior COSTEP program, (2)
Commissioning of students upon graduation, and (3) Availability of
student internship and residency programs.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Subcommittee
Chair: LCDR Kayla Dewitt The primary responsibilities of the Health Promotion and Disease PreventionSubcommittee are to develop the USPHS Therapist Category Strategy to address National,
Local, Tribal, Agency, and Corps prevention projects, for example PACE
(Prevention through Active Community Engagement) that are relevant to
each Therapy Discipline.
- Support the current Surgeon General Priorities as publishing an updated
version on APAN or as directed by the Office of the Surgeon General.
- Pursue Surgeon General (SG) initiatives by clearly identifying therapists’
objectives to improve our nation’s health in collaboration with the Office of
the Surgeon General.
- Identify national professional associations for collaboration and creation of
action items to achieve SG goals and plans for professional association
support. Request discipline liaisons to convene discussion panels to
determine feasibility and extent of collaboration available from each
professional association such as PACE or the Surgeon General’s Team
- Identify current USPHS therapist prevention, health promotion, and public
health initiatives. Create plans to support, improve visibility, and establish
best practice initiatives to adopt at multiple other officer sites.
Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025
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