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2007 Dental Professional Advisory Committee Awards – Call for Nominations
Deadline Date: 15 September 2006
The Dental Professional Advisory Committee (DePAC) Awards Workgroup is soliciting submissions for the 2007 Dental category awards cycle.
Please take a few moments to nominate a worthy colleague or a dental officer in the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) that you supervise. The awards need to be submitted to the Awards Workgroup Chair, CDR Lynn Van Pelt, by the close of business on 15 September 2006. For more information on the award criteria and nomination packet, please visit http://www.phs-dental.org.
If you have any questions, please contact CDR Van Pelt at lynn.vanpelt@IHS.gov.
The award categories are as follows:
  • The Ernest Eugene Buell Dental Award – recognizing junior dental officers;
  • The Ruth Lashley Mid Career Dental Award – recognizing mid-career dental officers;
  • The Jack D. Robertson Dental Award – recognizing career achievement by a Corps dentist;
  • The Senior Clinician Dental Award – recognizing senior-career dental officers in primary clinical billets;
  • Hershel Horowitz Oral Health Policy and Research Award – recognizing dental officers who have served the category in the areas of developing or implementing policies and/or dental research; and
  • The Dental Responder of the Year Award – recognizing dental officers who have served exemplary in responding to national disasters or other deployments.
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