Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Engineer Professional Advisory Committee

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ChairCDR Michael Simpson

Vice Chair:  CDR Christopher Fehrman

Current Projects of the Career Development Subcommittee (CDS)

Meeting Information:

  • Join on computer or call-in:  4th Monday of each month from 1500-1600 ET.
    • Join by Computer:  160 508 9551, Pass: BB@b?7
    • Join by Phone:  (833) 568-8864 , Meeting ID: 160 508 9551, Pass: 754961
Mission Statement:  The mission of the Career Development Subcommittee is to provide the most relevant, informed, and accessible information to the members of the Engineering Category, regarding career planning, promotion readiness, professional growth, and leadership development throughout their career. 
Vision Statement:  Enabling engineer officers to navigate successful careers and reach their highest potential in service to the USPHS and our nation.

Note:  Mentoring has moved to its own webpage.  

Career Development Subcommittee Standard Operating Procedure 

Officers who are interested in volunteering with the Career Development Subcommittee should review the SOP above and email Career Development Chair, CDR Michael Simpson or Vice Chair, CDR Chris Fehrman.

Page Last Modified on 9/5/2023

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