The Wellness Subcommittee has an overarching goal to support the Diet-PAC on issues and activities related to improving the knowledge and understanding of nutrition among all officers in the USPHS. The subcommittee strives to enhance efforts to assist corps officers with maintaining recommended weight standards and optimize deployment preparedness for public health emergencies by providing sound, scientifically vetted dietary guidelines. There are currently four workgroups on the Wellness Subcommittee that provide a variety of nutrition resources and initiatives.
Scientific and Training Symposium
This workgroup coordinates the theme, activities, resources, materials and staffing for activities including the (Joint) Wellness Booth at the annual USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium. Workgroup members collaborate with the Diet-PAC Events Subcommittee to serve as the nutrition experts at a variety of symposium activities.
Prevention through Active Community Engagement (PACE) Workgroup
Workgroup members create documents that provide age-specific resources for nutrition across the lifespan in the healthy eating PACE curriculum. Additionally, the workgroup works with PACE to ensure the nutrition information is updated periodically.
Nutrition Related Materials Repository
The Wellness Subcommittee maintains a repository of up-to-date scientifically sound nutrition resources to be used for the symposium and various CORPS/community outreach activities. Additional activities aim to increase the health and fitness of all officers, including coordinating events on improving sleep, stress management and hydration.
Weight Management Modules
This workgroup is responsible for providing support for the Public Health Service (PHS) and Commissioned Corps Headquarters (CCHQ) Weight Standards, managing the PHS Weight Management Modules, leading the development of requested topics, and working with the Diet-PAC liaison for communication with CCHQ and the Public Information Officer (PIO) for broader wellness messaging. These modules are located on the Diet-PAC website to ensure officers have support to reach and maintain weight standards.
Wellness Subcommittee Chair
LT Kimberlea Gibbs
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Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025
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