Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Asian Pacific American Officer Committee

Resources and Opportunities


The following is intended as a resource for US Public Health Service Commissioned Officers seeking basic information about education, training, or continuing education programs and about financial aid and scholarship opportunities. The programs and websites listed here were gathered by the Training Opportunities Workgroup of a Joint Committee of Career Development Representatives during an evaluation of currently available information. Please bear in mind:

  1. This list is not intended to be exhaustive but focuses on programs that are offered at no cost or at a reduced cost to USPHS officers.
  2. The information and links may change over time.
  3. Inclusion on this resource list does not represent an endorsement by the Joint Committee of Career Development Representatives, the Training Opportunities Workgroup, or any other government agency.
  4. Officers are advised to carefully investigate any programs or opportunities listed to confirm that the information is current, that the programs are properly accredited, and that the curriculum meets the needs for your intended purpose. The Council of Education for Public Health provides a list of accredited schools and programs for Master of Public Health degrees (
  5. Contact CDR James Schaeffer at for questions, edits, or to offer new information for inclusion in this resource.


Click on one of the topics below to see more information.

Degree Opportunities (Long term Training)


    • Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland

Offers health related Master and Doctoral degree programs at no cost. Full Time attendance is preferred. Part-time is possible in some cases, but no evening or weekend classes are available. Support from the officer's agency is needed.

    • Naval War College of Naval Command and Staff

Offers Master Degrees at no cost to the uniformed service officer. Part time attendance is possible. Evening courses are available.


    • University of South Florida

Masters in Public Health Practice program. Offers reduced rates for all USPHS officers.

    • Independence University

Master degrees in General Business, Nursing, Health Care Administration, Health Services, Public Health, etc. Offers reduced rates for students on active duty at $250 per credit with free course materials and text and free shipping and handling.


    Continuing Education Opportunities


        • Office of Force Readiness and Deployment

      Advanced Response Readiness Training Opportunities. or CCPM Manual Circular No. 375, Exhibit 8

        • The Graduate School of the USA

      The USA Graduate School offers career-related and continuing education courses to federal, state, and local employees throughout the country. Courses are available in a variety of subjects and convenient formats including: (1) Daytime, evening, and weekend classes, (2) Correspondence, self-study and online courses, and (3) Leadership Development and Certificate Programs.

        • HHS University

      HHS University offers classroom training, career planning and coaching, and employee development programs as well as online learning options to support the HHS mission. The HHS-U also hosts the Emerging Leaders program and the HHS Mentoring Program.

        • FDA Training and Career Development

        • NIH Training Center

        • Public Health Training at CDC


        • IS-930: Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS) System: Leadership Training

      This educational offering is to introduce the Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS) system to leaders in organizations responsible for planning and executing an incident response that optimizes the health and safety of response, remediation, recovery, and volunteer workers.

      The intended audience is decision makers at the local, regional, State, tribal, and Federal levels who are responsible for decisions affecting the occupational safety and health of responders.

        • WB2254: Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS)

      This educational offering is to provide a recommended health monitoring and surveillance framework, referred to as the Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS) system, which includes specific recommendations and tools for all phases of a response, including the pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment phases.

      The intended audience is emergency managers, emergency responders, medical personnel, health and safety representatives, epidemiologists, or anyone who may be involved in implementing an ERHMS system in their organization.

        • HHS University e-Learning Portal

      USPHS Commissioned Officers may use the HHS-U Learning Portal using their PHS number +000 as their user name. Over 2,000 courses are available under Skillsoft and Books 24x7 at no cost.

        • MMWR/CDC Continuing Education

      Offers a variety of self-paced training modules geared primarily for clinicians and health educators. CEU credits are available. No cost.

        • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)

      Sponsors Continuing Education in Environmental Public Health. Topics are related to evaluation of potential exposure to environmental contaminants and the potential health effects. Some courses offer CEU credits. Most offer a personalized completion certificate signed by the director of the group providing the training and the number of contact hours. This certificate is accepted by NEHA proof of continuing education. No cost.

      • TRAINEX

      The Training Exchange Website, sponsored by EPA and its partners, provides short classes and conferences around the country primarily related to environmental contamination and potential exposure issues. (Fees vary).

      • National Incident Management System (NIMS)

      • FEMA Independent Study Program

      Fellowship Programs

        • International Experience and Technical Assistance (IETA) Program

      CDC administers this one-year developmental training program to build a cadre of Federal public health professionals trained and experienced in the provision of technical assistance to international public health program in less developed countries. Applicant must have the written permission of first- and second-level supervisors to be released for 4 training workshops in Atlanta and a 3-month supervised international assignment. Participant's employing office sponsor all costs for training workshops and the international hosting program cover all travel costs for the international assignment.

        • Mansfield Fellowship

      This exchange program allows a select group of U.S. federal employees to develop an in-depth understanding of Japan, learn how its government works, and establish relationships with their counterparts in the government of Japan as well as in the business, professional and academic communities.

        • Steven M. Teutsch Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Prevention Effectiveness Methods

      The Fellowships are for post-doctoral candidates with expertise in quantitative policy analysis who wish to gain experience and training in assessing the effectiveness of prevention strategies.

      Financial Aids/Scholarship Opportunities
        • Montgomery GI Bills Education benefit

      The officer must opt for this benefit upon commissioning and must enroll. Most accredited universities are certified by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Confirm the program you are considering by consulting the institution's VA Certifying official.

        • Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS)

      AMSUS member or eligible dependant may apply for an annual $1,000 scholarship as financial assistance to pursue a healthcare related career.

        • Commissioned Officers Association (COA) of the USPHS

      The PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health (COF), an affiliate of COA, provides college scholarships for children and spouses of COA members. COF has also been supporting qualified active duty junior USPHS officers mainly for the registration fee of the COA annual professional conference.

        • Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF)

      HJF administers funds which can be used by USA, USAF, and USN officers for medicine related meeting expenses, honoraria, equipment and supplies, dues, publications and subscriptions, travel, and printing. They also sponsor students at the Uniformed Services University at Bethesda, MD for research at NIH. (Note: PHS Officers may benefit from the funding of research at NIH if they are enrolled as USUHS students. It is unclear at this time, if PHS Officers are eligible for the other sponsorship listed above)

        • Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)

      MOAA has student loans, scholarships and grants for dependents only, not for active duty officers.

        • Reserve Officers Association

      Henry J. Reilly Scholarship to assist members (graduate program only), their children, or grandchildren attending accredited U.S. colleges and universities. They also finance education related expenses for up to $25,000 a year, including student loans, education loan consolidation and personal computer loans.

      Misc. Officer Organizations/Information

      Training opportunities for specific categories

      Officers are advised to consult the Career Development committee of their Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) for information about discipline specific training opportunities. Internet hyperlinks are provided here to each of the eleven USPHS professional categories to link you to your PAC's website and direct you toward discipline specific training information.

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