Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Black Commissioned Officers Advisory Group


Voting Membership Call for Nomination

Members are selected from a diverse representation of geographic locations, agencies, experience levels and both Commissioned Corps and Civil Service personnel systems.  Applicants must have supervisor's permission in order to participate as a voting member.


WHO: All BCOAG Officers

WHAT: The Black Commissioned Officer Advisory Group (BCOAG) is seeking dedicated and enthusiastic officers to serve a 3-year term beginning January 2024. Several positions will be available as a result of current voting membership term expiration.  Self-nominations are encouraged.

Black Commissioned Officer Advisory Group (BCOAG) is a collective public health professional body whose primary mission is to provide advice and consultation to the Surgeon General on issues of interest and concern of black officers in the USPHS, and on issues relating to the professional practice and activities of civil service and commissioned corps personnel. 

In addition, a BCOAG Voting Member serves as an advocate for black officers regarding their career and professional development, along with to their overall participation and in Corps representation in Corps activities.  BCOAG is looking for talented officers who aspire to further the mission of BCOAG while growing their skills in the following areas:

  • Leadership
  • Positive Impact
  • Team- Building
  • Advocacy
  • Knowledge and Information Sharing
  • Problem Solving
  • Organization Operational Knowledge

BCOAG’s membership consists of officers from the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Operating Divisions/Staff Divisions and non-HHS organizations that are routinely staffed by Corps officers. BCOAG meets monthly via teleconference. Voting members must lead and/or actively participate on a standing or ad-hoc committee and attend meetings regularly.

If you are interested in being considered, then please complete the attached nomination form & obtain supervisory approval, and a CV summary sheet, and submit the required documents by the deadline.

WHEN: Deadline for submissions is Monday, May 15, 2023. Please check back often for updates.

DETAILS: Please see the below BCOAG VM Self-Nomination Form and the CV Summary Sheet.

Completed applications must include the following:

  1. Completed Self- Nomination Form (Signed and dated. Digital signatures are preferred.)
  2. Supervisor’s Concurrence (As indicated by signature on the nomination form. Digital signatures are preferred.)
  3. BCOAG Voting Membership CV Summary Sheet
  4. Basic Readiness Status (Screenshot from RedDOG Self Service)
  5. Promotion Information Report (PIR Screenshot)

Please send applications in one complete PDF to the Membership Committee Chair and indicate “BCOAG Voting Membership Application” in the subject line.

Please join us for the BCOAG Voting Membership Interest Meeting with Q&As

The Membership Committee will host interest meetings to address questions regarding the self-nomination submission process. The first interest meeting is scheduled for April 17, 2023 1400 ET.

Contact the BCOAG Membership Chair for dial in information.

POC: For additional information about the application process, please contact the Membership Chair, LT Anthony Powell and the Co-Chair CDR Gayle Tuckett.   

Thank you for your interest in BCOAG!

BCOAG Membership Committee


Page Last Modified on 3/24/2023

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