Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Nurse Professional Advisory Committee

Nursing Resource Connection

Nursing Resource Connection

PURPOSE:  A subcommittee dedicated to support nurses in the field of nursing research. The group is made up of four workgroups, Newsletter, Research Advisory, Publication Clearance, and Nursing Highlights to:

  • Stimulate collaboration to participate and communicate nursing research in the federal sector.
  • Highlight and encourage participation in nursing-led research and careers in research.
  • Provide an updated list of conferences for easy reference for nurses.
Subcommittee Leadership

Chair:  CDR Keith Marin -

Co-Chair:  CDR Natasha Kormanik -

Secretary: LCDR Matthew Lindsley -

Nursing Resource Connection Workgroups:
  1. Newsletter Workgroup
  2. Research Advisory Workgroup
  3. Publication Clearance Workgroup
  4. Nursing Highlight Workgroup
  Newsletter Workgroup Co-Leads:  CDR Candice Cottle -
CDR Crystal Andrews - 
  Research Advisory Workgroup Co-Leads:

LCDR Elizabeth Cohen

Publication Clearance Workgroup Co-Leads: (2) Vacant
Nursing Highlights Workgroup Co-Leads: CDR Nichole Vetter -
  CDR Sarah Kullman -

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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