Recruitment Materials
There are a number of materials available to assist with Agency and USPHS recruitment efforts. These materials include handouts, video presentations, websites, social media links, and other suggestions. Aside from those listed below, it is also suggested to bring business cards, pharmacy challenge coins, photo/image release forms, and a camera whenever attending a job fair, participating in a community event, or giving a talk.
Here are some of the popular recruitment materials:
- site: CCHQ's official public page, designed with recruitment in mind. Good resource for COSTEP ("Student Opportunities and Training" tab) and cross-category recruitment materials ("Careers and Benefits" tab).
- USPHS Pharmacy Presentation: includes history, Surgeon General (SG) Initiatives, What Pharmacists Do, Pharmacy’s Role with the SG Initiatives, Deployment and Readiness Information, and more.
- Recruitment Resources:
- CCHQ Recruitment Information Packet: includes information relevant to USPHS, Ready Reserve, JRCOSTEP, SRCOSTEP, and a welcome leter template to schools.
- USPHS Informational Video: Short introduction to the history and present status of the USPHS.
- Social Media*: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Includes great public health pharmacy information.
- Pharmacy Call to Active Duty window and other announcements are sent periodically to this listserv, which students may request to join by emailing this address.
- Vacancy List: May give an idea of where USPHS pharmacists are currently needed. Jobs listed may not be available to new Call to Active Duty pharmacists.
- University Points of Contact Roster: Gives students the contact information of USPHS officers assigned to their school.
- USPHS Pharmacist Info Card: Excellent recruitment card summarizing USPHS Pharmacy.
- USPHS Pharmacists Leading the Way: Recruitment handout also summaring USPHS Pharmacy.
*You may take pictures with students, faculty, and other individuals. However, if you intend to post these to any of the PharmPAC Social Media pages, within an article in the UPOC Newsletter or Perspectives Newsletter, or any other venue, then you must use the "**HHS Photo/Image Release Form" for each person in the picture who is not a federal government employee. You must complete the “Agency Representative” section of the form. For more information on how to post to PharmPAC's Social Media pages, see the "Social Media" section of the PharmPAC's General Meeting Minutes.
Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025
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