Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee

Other Training Programs

There are various national and state training programs that offer helpful tobacco cessation-related trainings. State specific trainings, as well as national tobacco cessation trainings, are located below. A printable version of this list of training programs is available here: State-Specific and National Tobacco Training Programs.

National Training Programs

List of accredited TTS Programs

Health Professional Student Training - Provide list of tobacco cessation trainings offers CME


No Tobacco cessation training programs - but resources available through state to help smokers quit


Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC)

Training for Community Tobacco Treatment Specialists - Tobacco Prevention and Control program offers Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) training for health professionals interested in becoming Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists. This training teaches the necessary skills to provide comprehensive tobacco treatment for those ready to quit tobacco. ANTHC’s Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training is the only training in Alaska accredited by the national Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence. It is available for physicians, nurses, community health aides, counselors and other health professionals to address the clinical and behavior barriers to quitting tobacco.

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services - Division of Public Health

Brief Intervention - webinar


University of Arizona, Healthcare Partnership (HCP)- has "Native American culturally tailored" programs.

The HealthCare Partnership (HCP) Tobacco Dependence Treatment Certification Program draws on the experience and evaluation activities of The University of Arizona HealthCare Partnership (HCP) since 1998. In addition to the core Certification program, the menu includes an adaptation of four culturally-responsive American Indian (AI) commercial tobacco dependence treatment resources and patient self-management tools developed by the HCP with input from a variety of North American tribal entities. They include, but are not limited to: Implementing Tobacco Control into the Primary Healthcare Setting Fieldbook, Basic Tobacco Intervention Skills Certification for Native Communities Guidebook/Instructor Manual, Maternal & Child Health Companion Guide, a Speaker Kit, and Reimbursement Guide. Printed resources are accompanied by audiovisual resources, patient self-management and resource-enabling supplements. * The training programs "culturally tailored to Native Americans" are available.*


Arkansas Department of Health - provide resources to help quit smoking - no formal training or certifications


Tobacco Cessation Center offer free webinars on various smoking cessation trainings.

California Smokers' Helpline 1800-NO-BUTTS

UCSF Rx For Change


University of Colorado Anchutz Medical Center

Rocky Moutain Tobacco Treament Specialist Certification - RMTTS-C). The RMTTS-C Program provides a comprehensive, focused, and convenient process by which individuals can master the core competencies defined by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD) and can attain certification as a Tobacco Treatment Specialist. It was developed to train interdisciplinary healthcare providers and community and public health professionals to become tobacco cessation champions for their organizations and communities. The program offers quality tobacco treatment specialist program based on the latest evidence-based tobacco cessation research and treatment strategies.


No actual training programs established - but resources available through the state & Connecticut Pharmacy Association & SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS) has resources available for smokers and healthcare providers


Delaware Tobacco Prevention and Control Program - no actual training program but resources available

District of Columbia

No training program established but resources are available through the state.

DC Department of Public Health

Breath DC


Florida State University - School of Medicine

The training format allows for an interactive and comprehensive educational experience. Participants can expect to leave the training feeling competent to effectively treat patients for tobacco dependence. The curriculum provides knowledge of evidence-based treatment methods and provides participants with necessary skills and tools needed to assess and treat smokers.


No training program availabe but resources through the State.

Georgia Department of Public Health


Hawaii State Department of Health, Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD) & UCSF Smoking Cessation Leadership Center

Tobacco Cessation Workshop - This workshop will address how tobacco cessation is a key to recovery, quitting and staying quit from tobacco. Information about evidence-based counseling, medication options, and referral strategies for tobacco cessation, as well as practical strategies for integrating cessation services into daily practice will be discussed. Case studies will be used to demonstrate effective techniques and guidelines with the goal of attendees being able to realistically and practically channel information learned into effective action/behavior change.


No training program availabe but resources through the State.

Idaho North Central District Department of Public Health

American Lung Association - Training available to become tobacco cessation class facilitator


Respiratory Health Association

1 full day trainining covers basic tobacco cessation intervention, medication treatment, program implementation, behavior modification, and learn facilitating skills.


No training program established but resources are available through the State.

Indiana State Department of Public Health


No training program established but resources are available through the State.

Iowa Department of Public Health


Kansas Department of Public Health - Online Brief Intervention Training ( 2A & R)


University of Lousiville - Tobacco Use and Dependence in Kentucky Hospitals - online


    No Tobacco cessation training programs 



    Fax to Assist - Brief intervention training online or in person.



    University of Michigan

    Tobacco Treatment Specialist Certification - Basic & Master Level (TTS); Complete Basic Skills and TTS Core Certification trainings; Pass the Basic Skills quiz and TTS written exam (scores of 75% or better); Apply for certification
    For Entry Level Certification (CTTS): 240 hours experience (licensed healthcare professional)/480 hours experience (other healthcare professional) within past 5 years
    For Master TTS Certification (CTTS-M): 2,000 hours experience in tobacco treatment within past 5 years

    Submit payment with application
    Prepare and submit case study to the TTS Review Board
    Interview with the TTS Review Board
    The Review Board will issue a 2-year certification upon satisfactory completion of this process
    Recertification is required every 2 years. A total of 15 continuing education credits that relate to tobacco treatment specialist core competencies must be earned during the 2 year cycle and submitted to UMass Medical for recertification.



    University of Mississippi Medical Center - ACT Center for Tobacco Treatment & Research

    Tobacco Treatment Specialist Certification (TTS) - 2 year certification -Verification of all eligibility criteria.

    Completion of the ACT Center TTS Workshop
    Passing the CTTS examination with a score of at least 70%.
    Providing documentation of at least 250 hours of evidence-based treatment experience within the 3 years preceding the examination and / or 1 year following workshop attendance.
    These hours must be based on clinical activity, such as (a) direct patient contact (treatment, assessment, discussions about clinical issues, program description, etc.), (b) consultation or discussions with health professionals about a specific patient (identified or anonymous), (c) specific case presentations, (d) case note documentation, and (e) case supervision, whether provided or received. You cannot count general presentations or discussions that are not about specific cases, for example, "How to use the nicotine patch."


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Missouri Department of Public Health

    University of Missouri


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Montana Department of Public Health


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Nebraska Department of Public Health


    American Lung Association

    Freedom from Smoking Facilitator Training - The American Lung Association in Nevada is offering the Facilitator Training for the adult smoking cessation program, Freedom From Smoking (FFS). The training now also includes certification in performing a brief intervention for tobacco dependence, using the 5As Model.

    New Hampshire

    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    New Hampshire Department of Public Health

    New Jersey

    Rutgers University - Tobacco Dependence ProgramMom’s Quit Connection

    Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS)

    New Mexico

    Tobacco Use Prevention and Control (TUPAC)

    Webinar - Brief Intervention on tobacco cessation

    New York

    New York City Health Department

    University of Buffalo

    Online tobacco cessation training: U of Buffalo - To improve the learners' understanding of basic behavioral tobacco interventions for patients and the process of change in tobacco cessation.

    North Carolina

    University of North Carolina

    UNC’s Nicotine Dependence Program and Duke University’s Center for Smoking Cessation now provide 4-day trainings leading to certification as a Tobacco Treatment Specialist. The collaboration also includes staff from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch. These partners piloted the training in June 2016 and will offer three times a year. Information and registration can be found at

    North Dakota

    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    North Dakota Department of Public Health


    The Breathing Association

    Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS) Professional Training


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Oklahoma Department of Public Health


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Oregon Department of Public Health


    Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy

    The Duquesne University Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist program is a training program that certifies an interdisciplinary audience of healthcare professionals as Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists (CTTS). A CTTS is a professional who possesses the skills, knowledge and training to provide effective, evidence-based interventions for tobacco dependence across a range of intensities and in a variety of settings including, but not limited to, hospitals, community health centers, HMOs, medical and dental practices, educational settings, social service agencies, tobacco treatment centers, telephone quitlines, and mental health centers. A CTTS may engage not only in providing treatment but also in educating others (professionals and patients) about tobacco dependence treatments.

    Rhode Island

    CODAC Behavior Healthcare

    Basic Skills - 2 days training (LIVE)

    South Carolina

    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    South Carolina Department of Public Health

    South Dakota

    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    South Dakota Department of Public Health


    Tennesee Intervention for Pregnant Smokers

    TIPS will provide free training at your practice, and just for participating, you can receive 2.5 CME credits. The intervention is designed to take about 5-15 minutes and should be implemented with EVERY patient who is smoking or who has recently quit. This is for a brief intervention.


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Texas Department of Public Health


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Utah Department of Public Health


    Vermont Department of Public Health

    Tobacco Cessation Online Webinar


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Virginia Department of Public Health


    Washington State Pharmacy Association - WSPA Tobacco Cessation Certification

    Train the pharmacists to be able to provide intensive intervention for their patients. The primary goal of this certification program is to enable you to implement a smoking cessation counseling program in the pharmacist's practice setting.

    West Virginia

    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    West Virginia Department of Public Health


    University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Tobacco Use and Dependence: An Updated Review of Treatments – This activity is designed to improve learner competence in identifying effective interventions that can be offered during clinical/medical visits by increasing learner understanding of tobacco dependence as a chronic disease and providing instruction on how to initiate clinical interventions using the Brief Tobacco Intervention Model.


    No training program established but resources are available through the State.

    Wyoming Department of Public Health

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