Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Physician Professional Advisory Committee


Continuing Medical Education

How to Document Your Continuing Medical Education (CME)?

  • Send a CME summary document to your eOPF
  • Prepare a line by line dated description of each event you attended
  • List the events by year, with the most recent first
  • Only the last 5 years need to be included
  • This document should be faxed by itself into the eOPF, and is NOT needed within the CV
  • Check your eOPF to see that the CME summary document has been posted

Format for CME Activities:

Other Continuing Education Opportunities:

  • Online CDC-MMWR Courses with CME
  • Online CDC Public Health Training Network Lectures
  • Online courses in Occupational Medicine through the University of Illinois, Chicago
  • Subscribe to OFRD/CCRF Training Programs e-mail list

Page Last Modified on 8/30/2024

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