Awards Subcommittee
Chair: CDR Cara Haldin
Co-Chair: CDR Eric Zhou
Co-Chair: LCDR Ana Lauer*
Co-Chair: LCDR Shannon York*
* indicates non-voting member
Award Standard Operating Procedures
To evaluate competitive award nominations (such as the Scientist of the Year Awards) and other recognition for Scientist Officers. The subcommittee also helps process and track honor and service awards related to activities in support of the Scientist Category. The subcommittee shall advise the SciPAC on ways to pro-actively encourage officers’ supervisors to nominate Scientist Officers for awards.
- Prepare and distribute notices and reminders of annual award schedules.
- Solicit and evaluate award nominations submitted to the SciPAC.
- Assist the Chief Professional Officer (CPO) in the processing of voting member Special Assignment Awards and any honor awards for above and beyond service to the Scientist Category.
Scientist of the Year Awards
The SciPAC has four annual Scientist of the Year awards. Information on the awards and past recipients can be found by clicking the links below.
Officers interested in submitting nomination packets for award consideration should look for SciPAC listserv announcements in the fall for the Scientist Responder of the Year Award and early in the calendar year for the Senior and Junior Scientist Officer of the Year Awards and the Scientist Mentor of the Year Award. For more information, please refer to the SciPAC Awards SOP.
SciPAC established the Scientist of the Year Awards in 1995 to recognize Commissioned Officers in the Scientist Category whose professional career and work performance have resulted in significant contributions to the health of the Nation and to the mission of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). One award recognizes the career achievement of a senior-level Scientist Officer, and one is to acknowledge the contributions of a junior-level Scientist Officer. In 2007, the Scientist Responder of the Year Award was established by the CPO to recognize an Officer's contributions to emergency preparedness and response. In 2015, the Scientist Mentor of the Year Award was established to recognize an Officer who has provided exceptional mentorship to others in the field of public health. The awards are typically presented at the Scientist Category Day Luncheon at the annual USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium. Recipients of the awards receive a plaque signed by the CPO and a letter of special recognition from SciPAC that can be uploaded to their eOPF.
Retiring Scientist Award
Each year, the CPO may recognize retiring Scientists for their contributions and service to the Scientist Category and the USPHS. Depending on the level of contribution, the CPO may acknowledge retiring Scientists through letters of appreciation or a higher-level, non-competitive award. The subcommittee will solicit self-nominations for this recognition throughout the operational year.
USPHS Award Information
Information on USPHS awards is available in the Scientist Officer Handbook page. Additional information on USPHS awards can be found here:
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