Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Scientist Professional Advisory Committee

Visibility Subcommittee

Chair: LCDR Angela Thompson-Paul

Co-Chair: LCDR Lacreisha Ejike-King

Co-Chair: LCDR Marisa Hast*

* indicates non-voting member

Standard Operating Procedure [PDF]


 The purpose of the Visibility Subcommittee is to inform SciPAC and Scientist Officers on scientific activities, accomplishments, and opportunities available throughout the USPHS and to increase the visibility of the Scientist Category.

  • Publish The Scientist Officer (SciPAC Newsletter).
  • Increase Esprit de Corps through diverse initiatives, including local social events and meet-and-greet events
  • Highlight high-level scientific publications led by Scientist Officers
  • Increase networking and information sharing at scientific conferences among Scientist Officers
  • Increase membership of and moderate the SciPAC Facebook group to help promote awareness and comraderie within SciPAC by promoting accomplishments of individual Scientist Officers
  • Manage official SciPAC Twitter Handle promoting visibility of Scientist Officers and the USPHS Commissioned Corps by establishing an outward-facing, timely platform for sharing news and accomplishments
  • Document the history of SciPAC
  • Highlight major life events of Scientist Officers
  • Create and present a poster at the annual USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium
  • Capture the diverse activities in which Scientist Officers are involved
Newsletter Team

The newsletter team publishes the Scientist Officer newsletter which highlights the outstanding work of Scientist Officers.  The newsletter showcases articles and photos describing recent Scientist activities as well as topics relevant to the USPHS as a whole. More information, including current and past issues, is available on the SciPAC newsletter webpage.

Socials Teams

The mission of the SciPAC Socials Team is to promote comradery among Scientist officers. The social events provide an opportunity for scientists to network outside of the workplace. It is especially beneficial for officers to meet fellow scientists that work at other agencies and/or locations. Due to the large number of Scientist officers living in either the DC or Atlanta metro areas, two teams were created to coordinate social activities for each area. Examples of past activities include quarterly trivia nights, Halloween and Mardi Gras parties, and other outings. The Atlanta and DC Social teams are collaborating to develop virtual socials to allow officers across the country to connect though live on-line activities. The teams welcome suggestions for virtual activities that may be attended by officers in any location.

Publications Team

Every year, Scientist officers lead or contribute to the publication of hundreds of scientific products, including journal articles, white papers, government reports, books, and book chapters.  The Publications Team uses a systematic approach to search for and document officers’ scientific publications for the year prior. The team also identifies and highlights high impact publications from officers’ work through several different communication channels, including the SciPAC Newsletter. Work from the Publications Team is posted below:

Scientist Twitter Team

The SciPAC Twitter Team established the @PHS_Scientist Twitter handle in April 2019. The @PHS_Scientist Twitter provides a unique opportunity to promote the visibility of Scientist Officers and the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps by sharing SciPAC news and officer accomplishments. Through Twitter, we: 1) increase visibility of Scientist Officers and the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps in general, by highlighting impactful accomplishments of Scientist Officers including publication of scientific manuscripts, volunteer activities, and typical work activities;  2) inspire camaraderie among Scientist Officers while building interest around topics relevant to Scientist Officers and the general public; and 3) raise the profile of Scientist Officers and their work with Commissioned Corps Headquarters, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the general public. 

We encourage everyone to find us and follow us on Twitter at @PHS_Scientist.

Please contact Team Leads LCDR Angela Coulliette-Salmond and LT Ian Kracalik for information.

Facebook Team

The Facebook Team maintains a closed Facebook group for current and former Scientist Officers.  The group provides a forum for Scientist Officers across agencies and duty stations to connect, publicize social and scientific events of interest to Scientists, welcome new calls to active duty by posting pictures of OBC graduation, display Officers’ professional achievements (e.g., graduations, publications, presentations), encourage celebration of Officers’ personal milestones (e.g., weddings, births, retirements), and ask Scientist specific questions.

Poster Team

The SciPAC Poster highlights the contributions and professional achievements of Scientist officers across agencies, including outbreak investigations, cutting-edge research, and scientific practices on a variety of topics. SciPAC posters have been presented at the Commissioned Officers Foundation USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium and other conferences (e.g., Association of Military Surgeons of the United Sates) as approved by the SciPAC Chair. 

 Previous SciPAC poster presentations are available below:

 •  2017 SciPAC poster
 •  2018 SciPAC poster
 •  2019 SciPAC poster
 •  2020 SciPAC poster
 •  2021 SciPAC poster
 •  2022 SciPAC poster

Conference Team

The SciPAC Conference Team helps to connect Scientist attending scientific conferences such as AMSUS or the USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium. They accomplish this through 1) soliciting Scientist Officers interest in different scientific conferences 2) identifying and disseminating information about posters and presentations given by Scientist Officers, and 3) coordinating meet-up events at conference attended by multiple Scientist Officers. Activities may include lunches, coffee breaks, or virtual meetings.

Fist Bump Team

The SciPAC Fist Bump has been created to track and highlight the awesome things you do as PHS Scientists, public health professionals and community members. The SciPAC Fist Bump Team would like to fist bump you for the noteworthy —professional or personal—things you do! This could include a recent publication or deployment, serving with fellow officers at a foodbank, or welcoming a little one to your family. Tell us what you are proud of so we can feature your accomplishments in an upcoming issue of The Scientist Newsletter and/or SciPAC social media outlets (USPHS Scientists Facebook page and @PHS_Scientist Twitter feed). Please use the SciPAC Fist Bump submission form to submit your nomination.  

History Team

The team researches and compiles the history of the SciPAC Category to be posted on the SciPAC website. Initial work included thorough review of historic artifacts and in-person interviews to develop a comprehensive timeline outlining major milestones and activities.  A broader review of PHS history was also conducted to help inform what was learned about Scientists before the Category was “active.” The team regularly disseminates information through the SciPAC newsletter and other platforms, and is currently working with the SciPAC Website Subcommittee to update content included on the SciPAC History page.

Instagram/LinkedIn Team

The LinkedIn/Instagram Team is a newly created team to promote visibility of Scientist Officers and the USPHS by establishing an outward-facing, timely platforms for sharing SciPAC news and accomplishments. They will accomplish this by 1) highlighting impactful accomplishments of Scientist Officers including publication of scientific manuscripts, volunteer activities, and typical work activities; 2) inspiring camaraderie among Scientist Officers while building interest around topics relevant to Scientist Officers and the general public; and 3) raising the profile of Scientist Officers and their work with Commissioned Corps Headquarters, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the general public.

Quarterly Highlights Team

The Quarterly Highlights Team is a newly created team to promote the visibility of Scientist Officers within the PHS and USG.  The Quarterly Highlights team produces a one-pager highlighting an officer’s work, a deployment, a high-impact publication, and a rotating “Scientists by the Numbers” section which serves to focus on one aspect of Scientist Officer engagement or involvement each quarter.

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