Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Therapist Professional Advisory Committee

Readiness and Deployment Committee

Readiness and Deployment Committee

The mission of the Readiness and Deployment Committee is to promote Therapist Category readiness by educating, training, and empowering therapist to maintain Basic Readiness and successfully prepare for and respond in times of Public Health Emergencies.

Chair: CDR Clara Stevens: (

Deputy Chair: CDR Charles Rainey: (

Subcommittees and Task Forces under this committee include:

Preparedness Subcommittee:

Chair: LCDR Amber Beardslee

 The mission of the Preparedness Subcommittee is to assist therapist officers maintain their Basic Readiness Status and to provide technical assistance as needed for Officers to remain Deployment Ready and Promotion Eligible. The Preparedness Subcommittee works closely with the Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB) to achieve this mission. Please go to the following link to access all the necessary resources to maintain Basic Readiness. Once you have navigated to the link, click on the Readiness tab and a drop down menu will appear with the following options; About RDB, Self-Reporting & Contact Information in Direct Access, Essentials, Field Medical Readiness Badge Training Requirements, Rotational Roster Schedule, Response Teams, Training Information, Awards, Other Links. The Essentials tab is where the Readiness, Down to Basics (Readiness Checklist) can be accessed.

Other Readiness documents can be accessed on APAN, including PHU information, Naloxone handout, and Packing list

Please feel free to contact LCDR Amber Beardslee with any Readiness questions.

Physical fitness is an integral component of officership and our ability to meet our mission. Please see the following link for information on the APFT.

TPAC is participating in the PHS APFT Certificate of Excellence (PACE) program. Click on the following link for information on the PHS APFT Certificate of Excellence (PACE) program, fitness resources, and Calendar of APFT Events.

Response Subcommittee:

Chair: CDR Brian Saunders

The mission of the Response Subcommittee is to educate officers on the roles and necessities of each Deployment team and serve as an adjunct resource for deployment teams and training opportunities. The Response Subcommittee works closely with the Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB), the category’s Chief Professional Officer and individual officers by providing and maintaining resources for officers within the Therapist Category that are deployed by HHS/ASPR.

There are seven RDB deployment teams each of which having 5 different rosters in which USPHS Officers may serve on. These seven teams are: Rapid Deployment Forces Team (RDF), Applied Public Health Team (APHT), Mental Health Team (MHT), Services Access Team (SAT), National Incident Support Team (NIST), Regional Incident Support Team (RIST) and Capital Area Provider Team (CAP). Each of the seven teams are categorized as either a Tier I team or a Tier II team. Officers who serve on organized teams, such as Tier I and Tier II teams, must have supervisory approval in order to be team members of these rapid deployment teams. All officers not assigned to organized teams are listed as Tier III members. Tier III officers are utilized to augment Tier I and Tier II team that are deployed. Tier III officers require supervisory approval prior to deployment. Please refer to RDB and the various Team Facts for further information to determine what team best suites your professional goals and skill set.

Resilience Subcommittee:

Chair: CDR Peter Arroyo

The mission of the Resilience Subcommittee is to provide support, training, and education to ensure that Therapy officers are resilient to the mental and physical stressors of deployment.  The Resilience Subcommittee will work to ensure adequate training is provided for all officers.  They will collaborate with established Commissioned Corps activities such as the Corps Cares.  This U.S. Public Health Service program exists to support Commissioned Corps officers throughout their deployment experiences and careers. The program was created to help assist officers by increasing awareness of available resources to address physical, behavioral, and spiritual health needs of officers. Resilience Subcommittee collaborates with Corps Care, which is a USPHS comprehensive program that assists officers with improving readiness and preparedness, building resiliency, and cultivating healthier lives.  More information about this program can be viewed on CCMIS.

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