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UPDATE: Restoration of Forfeited Annual Leave in Conjunction with the 2005 Hurricane Response and Relief Efforts
The Office of Commissioned Corps Operations (OCCO) is pleased to announce that the electronic Commissioned Officers Leave Tracking System (COLTS) has been updated to restore officers’ annual leave forfeited due to their direct or indirect involvement in the 2005 hurricane response and relief efforts.
COLTS was updated in response to Manual Circular No. 381, “Annual Leave – Implementation of Special Leave Accrual Policy,” dated 25 January 2006, and signed by the Assistant Secretary for Health, which authorized the implementation of a special leave accrual policy to retain excess annual leave (for one year) for officers who lost annual leave in 2005 due to the hurricane response and relief efforts. Based on the need for all commissioned officers to maintain critical agency operations and backfill positions during the time of deployments, the policy included all officers of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps) who were on extended active duty on or after 29 August 2005. Officers detailed to the Department of Defense or U.S. Coast Guard follow the leave policy established for those services.
Corps officers who met the criteria and were on active duty on 31 December 2005, and who had accrued over 60 days of annual leave on 31 December 2005, now have the leave that was forfeited restored in COLTS. These officers may carry forward up to 90 annual leave days until 31 December 2006. If on 31 December 2006, an officer has accumulated an excess of 60 days of annual leave, any and all leave over 60 days will be forfeited and only 60 days of annual leave will be carried over to the 2007 leave year. No waivers will be granted under this policy.
There remains a lifetime limit of 60 days of unused annual leave for which an officer may receive a lump sum leave payment at the time of his or her separation or retirement from active duty.
Officers should check their leave records in COLTS to verify the leave carryover was completed correctly. To access COLTS, log on to the ‘Secure Area’ of the Commissioned Corps Management Information System Web site http://dcp.psc.gov/ and select ‘COLTS’ from the ‘Select Activity’ menu. Once in COLTS, select ‘Officer Personal’ and ‘Leave Activity Report’ to determine your current annual leave balance. Questions regarding the leave reported in COLTS should be directed to the OCCO COLTS Administrator, Ms. Martha Hall-Diallo, at 240-453-6039 or Martha.Hall-Diallo@hhs.gov.
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