Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Junior Officer Advisory Group

Welcome to the Let's Move! Program Page!

The JOAG Public Health and Community Service, National Prevention Strategy (NPS) Subcommittee is responsible for coordinating community service activities which directly support the initiatives outlined in the NPS and enhancing visibility of PHS in the community.


Lets Move logo 

America's Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids

The First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, has challenged Americans to promote physical fitness and good nutrition habits in our youth. As officers in the U.S. Public Health Service, it is important that we serve as leaders in our communities to respond to this challenge. The NPS Subcommittee would like to introduce a very exciting opportunity for JOAG officers across the country to participate in the national Let’s Move! campaign. On behalf of JOAG, the NPS Subcommittee has a Let’s Move! volunteer program, which offers JOAG members the chance to lead projects that promote the ideals of Let’s Move! in their very own hometowns.

The purpose of the JOAG Let’s Move! program is to encourage and support Commissioned Corps Officers in their pursuit of actively promoting health and wellness within their communities by leading activities that accomplish one or more of the following Let’s Move! Campaign objectives: 1) Creating a healthy start for children, 2) Empowering parents and caregivers, 3) Providing healthy food in schools, 4) Improving access to healthy affordable foods, and 5) Increasing physical activity and encouraging healthy eating choices.

JOAG officers from all across the country will have the ability to participate in this program. We currently offer two activity packages, including one pre-approved activity highlighting the principles and a second pre-approved activity highlighting the “Go,” “Slow,” and Whoa!” food categorization scheme created by the We Can! (Ways to Enhance Youth's Activity & Nutrition) movement. Officers can implement these activities at a school, daycare, church, or other venue, at a time that is most convenient to them. There is also the opportunity for officers to create their own activities to submit for approval and use by other officers. Leading or participating in a program activity will result in a Letter of Appreciation from JOAG for your eOPF.

Join the NPS Subcommittee in responding to the First Lady's challenge!

Here’s how you get started:

  1. Review the MyPlate and Go, Slow, Whoa activities (below) and decide if you’d like to host such an event in your community. Pick a suitable location and determine if the site can accommodate the event.
  2. Download the “Site-event information collection tool” (below) and fill out. Use the example below as a guide.
  3. Email the completed “Site-event information collection tool” to the NPS Subcommittee Lead:
    1. LCDR Joyce Davis
  4. Once you have received approval of your proposed activity site from NPS Subcommittee Lead, proceed with planning and hosting the event!
  5. Ensure that you read and follow the program Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (below) both before and after the event occurs.

Note: if you wish to create a new Let’s Move! activity to host in your community, follow the guidelines listed in the program SOPs.

More questions about the program? Contact LCDR Joyce Davis (

JOAG Lets' Move! Go Slow Whoa Activities [PDF - 461KB]

JOAG Let's Move! MyPlate Relay Activity [PDF - 179KB]

JOAG Let’s Move!Program Standard Operating Procedures [PDF - 65KB]

Appendix 1 Site-event information collection tool [DOC - 44KB]

EXAMPLE for Appendix 1 Site-event information collection tool [PDF - 92KB]

JOAG Let's Move! Program Tip Sheet [PDF - 121KB]

JOAG Let's Move! Poster Presentation [PDF - 563KB]

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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