Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Asian Pacific American Officer Committee

APAOC Treasurer

Mission Statement:  The Treasurer works on budgetary needs and processes to support the mission of APAOC.

Goals for 2023:

  • Establish partnership with minority professional organization such as such as NIH AANHPI-HSIG, FAPAC, AAHIINFO, and many more.
  • Represent APAOC in exploring collaboration with external partners.
  • MOLC speaker cadre, joining forces with other CMAGS and representation in minority professional organizations
  • For specific inquiries relating to APAOC’s financials, please contact the current APAOC Treasurer or alternate.

Treasurer Contacts:


LCDR Doan Singh is currently working as a Compliance Officer in the Office of Compliance at FDA.  She has previously served at various locations, including Alaska, California, Kentucky, and Maryland for Indian Health Services and FDA. Her previous roles have been a drug regulatory officer with domestic & international oversight, IHS clinical pharmacist and project manager. She has been an active member in nationwide COA chapters (DC COA, Bluegrass, Aurora Borealis, & SoCal). She has been involved with the mentoring programs (PharmPAC, APAOC, FDA, & JOAG) and volunteer with public outreach programs for Vietnamese American Uniformed Services Association.
LCDR Singh’s service to APAOC include: founding member of the APAOC Cultural Support Committee, published papers in APAOC & COA newsletters, presented with HHS officials, planned and hosted the 2nd annual virtual Lunar New Year and the 2nd annual AAPI Heritage Month celebrations, presented APAOC poster at COF 2022, led the planning committee on “Surgeon General’s Advisory Call to Actions Series”, lead developer/presenter at the AMSUS 2023 conference. LCDR Singh has held several roles in APAOC, including alt. voting member for the Education and Training Committee, APAOC Public Relations Subcommittee Chair and currently the APAOC Treasure (External Liaison).

Page Last Modified on 2/2/2023

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