Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Asian Pacific American Officer Committee

Minority Officers Liaison Council Representatives

 Mission Statement:

The Minority Officers Liaison Council (MOLC) was established by the Surgeon General (SG) and the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) to advise and serve the Office of the Surgeon General (OSG) on issues of professional development and to advocate for the recognition of contributions made by minority officers in the USPHS.

 MOLC is recognized by the SG as the liaison between OSG and the four chartered minority advisory groups (CMAGs). A CMAG is defined as any group sanctioned by the SG to represent a minority constituency.  The four CMAGs are:

  • American Indian/Alaska Native Commissioned Officers Advisory Committee (AI/ANCOAC)
  • Asian Pacific American Officers Committee (APAOC)
  • Black Commissioned Officers Advisory Group (BCOAG)
  • Hispanic Officers Advisory Committee (HOAC)


VADM Antonia Novello, 14th U.S. Surgeon General and the first woman and first Hispanic appointed to this post, had a vision to create a coalition of minority groups that would serve as a liaison to the Surgeon General. Fulfilling this vision, the MOLC was founded in 1990 to serve as a liaison to the Surgeon General representing PHS racial and ethnic minority officer groups. The MOLC provides advice and consultation to the Surgeon General on issues relating to the professional practice and the personnel activities (Commissioned Corps & Civil Service) relating to minorities in the USPHS.

Click here to view the MOLC Homepage

 APAOC MOLC Representatives Goals and Objectives for 2023:

  • Successfully transition between incoming and outgoing MOLC Liaisons, APAOC Representatives, and Cultural Awareness WG Leads
  • Collaborate with and serve as a conduit to communicate information between MOLC, CMAGs, and other advisory groups (e.g. Agency liaisons, PACs)
  • Serve as 2023 MOLC Liaisons/APAOC Representatives

APAOC MOLC Representative Contacts for 2023:


About LCDR Sally Doan: LCDR Sally Doan is currently serving as the APAOC MOLC Representative for the 2023 operational year for a second term. This is the third year she serves as an APAOC Voting Member. She previously served as Executive Secretary in 2021 and Alternate Voting Member for the Awards & Recognition Subcommittee in 2020. She is in the pharmacy category, and currently serves as a Senior Regulatory Health Project Manager, in the Office of Nonprescription Drug, within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in Silver Spring, MD. Previously, LCDR Doan worked in the Office of Generic Drugs, within the FDA, as a civil servant. LCDR Doan joined the USPHS in 2017 and was stationed at Indian Health Service (IHS) in Fort Defiance, AZ. She received her pharmacy degree from the University of Connecticut.

About LCDR Tramara Dam: Since 2017, LCDR Dam has been actively involved with APAOC by volunteering on various subcommittees. Subsequently, she served as an Alternate Voting Member for the Leadership and Strategic Planning committee (2017), APAOC Minority Office Liaison Council representative (2018), and APAOC Executive Secretary (2019). In addition, she served as the “luncheon” logistics lead for the 2nd and 3rd Annual APAOC Leadership Summit and authored multiple APAOC articles. Furthermore, she was a member of the APAOC Cultural Awareness Work Group, the Social Media Work Group, and the Community Engagement Work Group (Healthy Mind Initiative) and an active participant of the Mentoring Program. She has volunteered and represented these committees in numerous events. In 2022, she served as the Awards & Recognition Subcommittee Co-Chair and DMV Regional Co-lead for the APAOC Community Engagement Workgroup. Currently, she is the MOLC Co-Liaison/APAOC Representative.

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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