Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee


Article I

The Social Work Professional Advisory Group shall be referred to as the SWPAG.

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Article II

The Social Work Professional Advisory Group (SWPAG) of the Health Services Professional Advisory Committee (HSPAC) shall consider discipline-specific professional issues and advise the Surgeon General through the HSPAC and Chief Professional Officer of the HSPAC regarding such issues.

The by-laws of the SWPAG provide internal guidance for the operations, policies, and procedures of the group. The by-laws provide specific guidance on matters of interest to social workers in collaboration with the HSPAC.

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Article III

The SWPAG functions in a resource and advisory capacity to assist in the development, coordination, training, and evaluation of activities related to the social work professional discipline in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) with the specific objectives of:

  • Identifying issues of interest and facilitating the resolution of concerns as they relate to uniformed service social workers.
  • Assessing, assisting, advising, and developing strategies on the personnel needs of the USPHS in relation to recruitment, retention, training, utilization, and professional development of social workers.
  • Developing position papers, statistical reports, and/or guidelines related to the social work profession, where appropriate.
  • Promoting collaboration and communication among and between other professional disciplines and health professionals.
  • Promoting all aspects of the social work profession throughout the agencies and programs of the USPHS.
  • Advocating for and supporting USPHS social workers in the pursuit of advanced degrees and licensure currency, ensuring appropriate recognition for awards, promoting deserving social workers, and involvement in recommending and reviewing changes to appointment standards and billet descriptions.
  • Maintaining and publishing current and historical information relevant to the service of social work officers.

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Article IV
  • Basic Eligibility Requirement: At the time of appointment (for voting members) or during active non-voting membership, each SWPAG member shall be a full-time USPHS active duty Commissioned Corps (CC) officer, qualified at their commissioning to be appointed as a social worker. Each voting member shall meet basic readiness standards established by the CC.
  • Size of the SWPAG: The SWPAG shall have up to 20 voting members and shall aim to be at least 10% of total USPHS CC SWs. However, all USPHS SW’s are encouraged to be active non-voting members.
  • Organizational Representation: To provide the range of experiences and perspectives necessary to address issues before the SWPAG, voting membership shall be promoted from each of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Operating Divisions and non-DHHS agencies where USPHS CC social workers are employed.
  • Geographic Considerations: The SWPAG shall have, as voting members, a geographic representation that reflects the distribution of the USPHS Commissioned Corps. SWPAG voting membership shall be actively promoted from members whose regular duty station is geographically removed from the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
  • Gender and Minority Representation: SWPAG shall make every effort to ensure that there is diversity in membership and welcomes officers of different cultures, race, ethnicity, gender, physical/mental ability, age, or sexual identity. Selection to voting membership will not be made solely on the basis of gender or race.
  • Ex Officio Members: The immediate past SWPAG Chair serves 1 year as an ex-officio member with voting privileges. The SWPAG Senior Advisor also serves as an ex officio member with no voting privileges.
  • SWPAG Senior Advisor: The Chair may choose to appoint a senior officer advisor to the SWPAG as an ex-officio member, with no voting privileges, for a two-year term. The Senior Advisor is a consultant to the SWPAG and advises the group on issues, concerns, policies, and procedures. The Senior Advisor may advocate for the SWPAG, but may not officially represent the group. The Senior Advisor is an active duty or retired USPHS officer O-5 and above, may work for any agency, and must have at least 10 years each of USPHS service and SW practice experience.
  • Role of SWPAG Voting Members: Voting members are SWs who are appointed in accordance with the process outlined in Article VII. Each voting member is a contributing, active participant of at least one SWPAG subcommittee, but may serve on multiple committees in accordance with Article VI.
  • All voting members are expected to execute the functions of their SWPAG assignment in accordance to guidelines addressed in these bylaws, the committee chair policies and procedures or as directed by executive committee and/or SWPAG Chair. If at any time there appears to be concern regarding any voting member’s performance, including executive members, it shall be brought to the attention of 2 voting members-preferably the chair of the policy committee (Chair-Elect) or a voting member of the policy committee and one other executive board member. The concern/complaint must be addressed in written format. The complaint/concern must be jointly reviewed by the notified voting members and a formal review board convened if the concerned is deemed legitimate. If there are questions to the legitimacy of the complaint, the SWPAG Senior Advisor or SWPAG Chair (HS PAC Chair in cases involving the SWPAG Chair) shall be consulted. If the complaint is determined to be insignificant by the 2 individuals initially notified, the complaint/concern shall be filed with the SWPAG Chair (or other voting member in cases involving the Chair). Should the complaint be viewed as significant, a review board shall convene consisting of the SWPAG Chair-Elect and two additional voting members. The Executive Secretary shall serve on the review board in cases involving the Chair-Elect. Selection of the non-executive members of the review board will be at the discretion of the 2 members initially notified of the complaint/concern. Chair of the review board shall be the most senior ranking officer. The SWPAG Chair (HSPAC Chair in cases involving the SWPAG Chair) must be notified of the impending review but shall not be a member of the review board. Recommendations from the review board shall be forwarded to the SWPAG Chair (HSPAC Chair in cases involving the SWPAG Chair) for acknowledgement and discussion as appropriate. Rebuttal to the review board recommendations shall be made in writing to the review board and SWPAG Chair (HSPAC Chair in cases involving the Chair). Final recommendations shall be made upon a majority rule vote by the entire executive committee and members of review board, and shall not include the member in question. In the event of a tie vote the SWPAG Chair (or Chair-Elect if the complaint is again the Chair) shall make the final decision. Written notification will be sent. (SOP to be established)
  • Role of SWPAG Non-voting Members: Non-voting members of the SWPAG consist of individuals who are actively involved in the group or in one of its subcommittees but have no voting status. Non-voting members are encouraged to serve on sub-committees. Each non-voting member is encouraged to participate on at least one subcommittee. A non-voting member can serve as co-chair of a subcommittee. Performance: All voting members are expected to execute the functions of their SWPAG assignments in accordance with guidelines addressed in these bylaws, subcommittee chair policies and procedures, or as directed by the Executive Committee and/or SWPAG Chair. If at any time there appears to be a concern regarding any voting member’s performance, including Executive Committee members, a review of the concern is undertaken following procedures established and published by the Executive Committee. The review process may end in the member’s removal from office.
  • Replacement: An executive member, having been removed from office, shall be replaced through the enactment of election as noted for the specific position annotated in Article V.

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Article V
  • Executive Committee: The Executive Committee serves as the leadership of the SWPAG and facilitates the execution of the vision, mission, and objectives developed by the SWPAG membership. The Executive Committee consists of SWPAG’s elected officers. Duties and terms of the officers are the following: Chair: The SWPAG Chair is elected by the voting membership, but is not a voting member of the SWPAG. The Chair provides leadership to the SWPAG and provides liaison to the HSPAC. The Chair is considered an ex-officio member of the HSPAC and is expected to attend the HSPAC meetings and any other significant meetings affecting the SWPAG. The Chair may also designate a representative to attend such meetings. The Chair also acts as a liaison between the SWPAG and DHHS agency representatives. The Chair may choose to delegate another Executive Committee member to participate as SWPAG liaison to any DHHS agency, group, or committee as needed. The Chair will serve as the official representative to the Uniformed Services Social Work Planning Committee or delegate to another SWPAG voting member as alternate when the Uniformed Services Social Work conference is actively being conducted.
  • Term of the Chair: The SWPAG Chair is elected as the Chair-elect in the year prior to serving as Chair. The Chair serves a 1-year term. If the Chair-elect is unavailable to succeed the Chair, the SWPAG may choose to elect a Chair without the officer first serving as Chair-elect. Alternatively, the group may choose to re-elect an incumbent Chair if the Chair-elect is unwilling or unable to progress to Chair. At the expiration of the Chair’s term, the Chair serves an additional year as an ex-officio member with voting privileges.
  • Chair-elect: The Chair-elect is elected by the voting membership. The Chair-elect acts as the official liaison to the SWPAG subcommittees and other groups as assigned by the Chair. The Chair-elect also serves as the Chair of the Policy Subcommittee and is therefore required to be a voting member. The Chair-elect shall exercise all the rights and responsibilities that are granted to the Chair in the absence of the Chair. If acting in the capacity of the Chair, the Chair-elect shall appoint a proxy to vote on his or her behalf. Term of the Chair-elect: The Chair-elect serves a 1-year term and then succeeds as the Chair the following year.
  • Executive Secretary: The Executive Secretary is elected by the voting membership. The Executive Secretary provides a written record of the activities of the SWPAG. The Executive Secretary records and distributes the meeting minutes, maintains reports and official documents of the SWPAG, oversees the SWPAG Web site, and works with the Communications Subcommittee to ensure that the Web site remains up-to-date. The Executive Secretary is responsible for informing the membership about meeting details, establishing a meeting agenda in collaboration with the Chair, and assisting in the preparation and distribution of the meeting agenda and minutes to SWPAG members. Term of the Secretary: The Secretary serves a 1-year term with the opportunity to be re-elected.
  • In no case will any executive officer be allowed to serve more than 3 consecutive years as an executive officer or 8 total years as a voting member.
  • Emergency Elections: The SWPAG may hold emergency elections as needed to backfill any positions vacated as a result of resignation or other unforeseen situations.

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Article VI
Operations and Procedures

The SWPAG operations and procedures shall include the following:

  • Operational Year: The operational year for the SWPAG is the calendar year January 1 – December 31.
  • Frequency of Meeting: Meetings will be held at least once per quarter. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair as needed.
  • Agenda: A meeting agenda and appropriate background material are made available to the SWPAG members by the Executive Secretary.
  • Recording and Reporting: Minutes of each SWPAG meeting, including attendance, are recorded by the Executive Secretary and approved by a majority of the SWPAG voting membership. The SWPAG Executive Secretary maintains a permanent file of official minutes and reports and forwards to the upcoming Executive Secretary.
  • Operating Subcommittees: The SWPAG may have operating subcommittees to accomplish its objectives. These subcommittees are organized and conduct business in a manner consistent with the HSPAC. Subcommittee membership may include non-voting SWPAG members; however, the subcommittee Chair must be a voting member of SWPAG. Subcommittees report their findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations to the full SWPAG when necessary and where appropriate. Each SWPAG subcommittee Chair shall provide the Executive Secretary with an electronic subcommittee report at least three (3) business days prior to presenting subcommittee updates at a SWPAG meeting Each SWPAG subcommittee Chair shall provide the Executive Secretary with an electronic subcommittee report at least three (3) business days prior to presenting subcommittee updates at a SWPAG meeting.
  • Appointment and Role of the Subcommittee Chair: The subcommittee Chair is the liaison between the voting membership and subcommittee members and is appointed by the Executive Committee for a 2-yr term. The subcommittee Chair provides leadership and direction to the subcommittee members in order to meet the subcommittee’s specific goals and objectives. Sub-committee Chairs are in charge of selecting volunteer, non-voting members on their sub-committees. The subcommittee Chair must be a voting member of the SWPAG. Subcommittee Chairs may be reappointed to Chair the same subcommittee up to 2 consecutive years.
  • Appointment and Role of the Subcommittee Co-Chair: The subcommittee Co-chair is appointed by the subcommittee Chair. Subcommittee members can self-nominate for the position of subcommittee Co-chair for a 1-year term at a time. The role of the Co-chair is to assist the Chair in the performance of the subcommittee’s goals. The Co-chair should be familiar with the duties of the Chair and act as Chair in the Chair’s absence. The Co-chair can be a non-voting SWPAG member. The Co-chair shall exercise all the rights and responsibilities that are granted to the subcommittee Chair in the absence of the Chair. In the absence of the Chair the Co-chair may vote by proxy. The Co-chair may be reappointed to co-chair the subcommittee up to 2 consecutive years.

The operating subcommittees may include but are not limited to:

  • (1) Awards: Provides recognition of officer achievement in SWPAG or Commissioned Corps activity exemplary of social work practice. Responsible for awards and letters of appreciation for voting members, non-voting members, and executive officers as appropriate.
  • (2) Communications: Responds to issues that impact social workers and their role in the HSPAC and CC transformation through the HSPAC and chief professional officer. Responsible for updating and disseminating SWPAG-related information, working with the Secretary to maintain SWPAG Web site and listserv, soliciting and preparing articles for SWPAG Web site, and developing SWPAG materials for the HSPAC booth at the COF Symposium. Actively solicit social workers to present and contribute to Category Day at the annual COF Symposium.
  • (3) Career Development: Actively seeks and disseminates information on career opportunities for professional development, vacancies, and special assignments
  • .
  • (4) Membership: Solicits, selects, and facilitates the nomination and appointment of the voting membership. Maintains current list of social workers involved in SWPAG, and distributes a welcome package to all new PHS social workers upon receiving their initial assignment.
  • (5) Policy: Maintains, reviews, and revises by-laws according to charter set forth by the HSPAC Charter and By-laws. The update, including any revisions, is reviewed and approved by the HSPAC. Keeps SWPAG members informed of policy changes issued by CC headquarters, manual circulars, CCPM, and executive orders from the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) and the Surgeon General (SG). Monitors the regulations for social work licensure in the USPHS.
  • (6) Readiness: Provides support and maintains communications with the SWPAG membership about changes in readiness standards and upcoming training requirements. Provides information on deployment opportunities and is abreast of deployment issues that affect social work officers.
  • (7) Recruitment/Retention: Keeps membership informed of policy changes issued by CC headquarters manual circulars, CCPM, and executive orders from the ASH and the SG. Subcommittee provides assistance to officers that request support in entry, assignment transitions, change in status, etc. Maintains awareness of and involvement in recruitment activities.
  • (8) Mentoring: Keeps SWPAG apprised of mentoring tools and resources. Ensures representation of the SWPAG at every scheduled Officer Basic Course where a social worker is in attendance. Responsible for coordinating quarterly SWPAG meet and greets, including remote and regional areas.

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Article VII
  • Solicitation: Annually, the SWPAG shall solicit applicants for voting membership through the Commissioned Corps Bulletin, HSPAC and SWPAG listserves and other appropriate means.
  • Mechanism for Nomination: Prospective SWPAG nominees shall self-nominate or may be nominated by fellow USPHS CC SW following procedures established by the Membership Subcommittee. Officers nominated by a fellow SW must accept the nomination.
  • All application packets, regardless of nomination mechanism, must be postmarked on or before August 01 prior to the term year.
  • The nomination process shall be conducted so that the final nomination package is available for consideration by the SWPAG no less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of any regular term of membership.
  • The Membership Subcommittee shall provide a list of the selected nominees to the SWPAG Chair.
  • Preference of membership shall be given to SWs who have proven to be active non-voting participants in SWPAG committees and official meetings.

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Article VIII
  • Initial Term: Terms shall be staggered so that approximately one-third of the terms will expire annually. The subcommittee chairs for Awards, Communications, Membership and Readiness serve two-year terms. The subcommittee chairs for Recruitment/Retention, Mentoring, Career Development, and Policy will serve 1 year terms. Chair, Chair-elect, and secretary will serve 1 year terms.
  • Term Extensions: If the election of a voting member to an executive position on the SWPAG would necessitate an extension beyond the officer’s initial voting membership term, the member’s term is automatically extended. The extension may be up to 1 year, and is dependent on the needs of the position and the officer’s preference. However, once a member has accumulated 8 years of voting service on the SWPAG, the member is not eligible for term extensions, regardless of circumstance.
  • Reappointment: A member completing their term on the SWPAG is eligible for reappointment for one (1) additional 2-year term. However, once a member has accumulated 8 years of voting service on the SWPAG, the member is not eligible for reappointment. This is tracked by the SWPAG Membership Subcommittee.
  • Alternates: Recognizing the demands of the members’ primary work responsibilities and the SWPAGs need to conduct business, each voting member appoints and informs the Chair and Executive Secretary of the individual who shall serve as their alternate. The alternate serves as an active non-voting member of SWPAG. Such alternates shall have voting privileges when serving in the place of a primary member. The alternate is required to be a SW. If a voting member is unable to locate an alternate, the SWPAG Chair assists in identifying a qualified alternate among active non-voting members.
  • Proxy Voting: Voting members who are unable to secure an alternate to vote in their absence at the SWPAG meeting may designate a proxy. A proxy form is faxed or emailed to the Chair prior to the SWPAG meeting such that another voting member is selected to vote on behalf of the absent member (who will cast two votes per ballot item for that meeting only). The vote must be cast as specified on the proxy statement. If no vote is specified the proxy may vote as he/she is inclined.
  • Attendance and Removal: Any SWPAG voting member who misses two meetings in a year without just cause may, at the discretion of the SWPAG, be removed from the SWPAG and terminate voting membership. The Executive Secretary maintains an attendance record and forwards that record to the successor of the office.
  • Absenteeism: Voting members who are absent, but who have arranged for an alternate or proxy shall be excused and identified as such in their attendance record. Members who have a work or personal emergency shall attempt to reach their alternates and leave a message for the Chair regarding their situations, and submit a proxy form. Members who do not make such arrangements as those mentioned above will be identified as unapproved absence on their attendance record. However, officers who, due to unforeseen circumstances or emergencies, are unable to make contact with the Chair may have their absence excused after discussing the situation with the Chair.


  • A quorum consists of 50 percent of the SWPAGs voting membership. An alternate member attending in lieu of the member is counted in determining the quorum requirement.
  • Voting: Where voting is required or appropriate, action shall be determined by the simple majority of those voting members present. Voting may be by roll call, voice vote, ballot, or proxy.

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Article IX
By-laws Update and Approval

The SWPAG shall review its by-laws every three years and recommend revisions to update its by-laws as needed. Any revisions to the by-laws must be reviewed and approved by the HSPAC. If in question, the SWPAG by-laws will be superseded by, and not conflict with, the HSPAC Charter and by-laws. SWPAG members voting either in person or by a valid proxy is acceptable by email using rules of time and date of vote submissions. A voting member can be a member of either group, but in no case can hold two votes. Issues requiring a SWPAG member vote but not reaching a quorum shall be brought to the HSPAC for resolution.

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