Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

Analytics Reports and Presentations

Career Progression Reports

Career Progression Reports represent the HS Category’s continued efforts to identify and document critical factors affecting officer’s professional development. Coupled with current HS Category Benchmarks, the information contained in these reports can provide insight into key drivers of professional success.

Reports ordered chronologically newest to oldest

Promotion Reports and Survey Results

Promotions Reports and Surveys are analysis of data to inform training needs among Health Services Officers, guide officers seeking advancement, and guide future efforts to assist officers in preparing for promotion.

Promotion Trends Report

Analysis of Temporary and Permanent promotion statistics in order to identify and characterize current promotion trends among Health Services Officers.

Reports ordered chronologically newest to oldest

Promotable Officer Profile Survey Report

Survey Reports identifying and analyzing qualities/characteristics of successfully promoted officers who have been selected for promotion in the documents stated years. Coupled with current HSO benchmarks, the information contained in these reports allows the reader to form a picture of the “Promotable Officer Profile.”

Reports ordered chronologically newest to oldest

Training and Needs Assessment

Training and Needs Assessment Reports analyze the data associated with yearly Health Services Officer Training and Needs Assessment Survey Measures.

Presentations ordered chronologically 

Analytics Presentations

A list of all Analytics presentations.

Presentations ordered chronologically

Miscellaneous Category reports

Miscellaneous Health Service Officer Reports.

Presentations ordered chronologically 

Request for Analysis Help

The HSPAC Analytics Subcommittee is currently accepting external data analysis requests. The Analytics Liaison Team from the Subcommittee will review all data analysis requests submitted through the “Request for Analysis Help” submission tool. All requests determined to fall within the purview of the HSPAC Analytics Subcommittee will be evaluated and, if approved, the requesting party will be contacted for further discussion.  If requests are not within the purview of the HSPAC Analytics Subcommittee, the Analytics Liaison Team will work with the requestor to find an alternate solution to their request.

For help, please email the Subcommittee Leadership.  

Page Last Modified on 12/31/2020

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