Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee

Commissioned Corps Pharmacy Mentoring Network (CCPMN)

Welcome to the Commissioned Corps Pharmacy Mentoring Network (CCPMN)!

It is crucial to the success of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (Corps) to have trained, competent, and well-informed pharmacy officers capable of transitioning into leadership positions and carrying out the goals of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS).  The CCPMN mentoring program is a mechanism by which the Corps can develop such leadership. 

Formed in 1996, the CCPMN is a six-month formal, voluntary, one-on-one mentoring program for active duty Corps pharmacy officers.  The mentor (an experienced officer, typically O-4 grade or above) provides guidance to the mentee (a less-experienced officer, typically O-5 grade or below) on career goals and objectives and professional development. The professional relationship assists in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the mentee’s professional and personal growth. The program is open to all qualified Corps officers appointed into the Pharmacist Category.

Please refer to the CCPMN Program Guide for the operating guidelines, including roles, responsibilities and suggestions, benefits, qualifications, implementation and management, program evaluation and successful completion, and resources. 

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CCPMN Program Guide


In order to be eligible to serve as a mentor, the officer must:

  • Be appointed to the Pharmacist Category for at least 3 years and in the rank of O-4 or above
  • Be in good standing with the Corps with no adverse personnel actions filed
  • Be basic ready
  • Have supervisory approval
  • Have submitted the "Mentoring Program Application" (link below)
  • Be prepared to initiate communication with the mentee within 2 weeks of receiving a match notification from the CCPMN Committee

If you would like to apply as a mentor or mentee, please complete the application form below and send to the CCPMN mailbox (

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Mentoring Program Application


There is an evaluation form that is to be filled out and turned in by the mentor and mentee at the completion of the mentoring relationship. The information gathered will be useful in helping CCPMN better meet the needs of its officers.

Please do not hesitate to contact the CCPMN mailbox ( if you have any questions about the CCPMN Program.

Page Last Modified on 9/27/2023

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