Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Physician Professional Advisory Committee

COA Category Day 2016


More than 1100 people attended the 51st Annual Symposium in 2016 in OKC, and the Category Day was a huge success!

For more information please feel free to visit the COF symposium website.


Please feel free to view some of the excellent presenations from Physician Category Day:

US Government Malaria Control Efforts In Sub-Saharan Africa

Public Health Prespective on Correctional Medicine

Expedition Medicine

PPAC Category Day Working Group



LCDR Francisca Abanyie (

LCDR Robyn Neblett Fanfair (



Call for Working Group Members

The PPAC Category Day Working Group is looking for a few good men and women to join in making this year’s Cat Day one to remember. If you are interested in being part of this year’s working group please contact the co-chairs: LCDRs Robyn Fanfair ( and Fran Abanyie (

Page Last Modified on 7/8/2016

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