Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Asian Pacific American Officer Committee

Award Nomination





2023 Call for APAOC Honor Award Nominations

 Nomination Deadline: Friday, February 10, 2023


The Asian Pacific American Officer Committee (APAOC) is pleased to announce the call for APAOC Honor Award nominations.

These awards have been developed to promote the future leadership of Asian Pacific Americans in the Public Health Service (PHS) by honoring members of the Commissioned Corps or equivalent Civil Service professionals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the Nation’s health.

 There are 3 available APAOC Honor Awards:

  1. The APAOC RADM Samuel Lin Award is open to APAOC members O-5 and above or equivalent Civil Service professionals to recognize significant contribution to the advancement of the Nation’s health, outstanding leadership qualities, and dedication and involvement in health-related professional, community organizations or activities.
  2. The APAOC RADM Kenneth Moritsugu Award is open to APAOC members O-4 and below or equivalent Civil Service professionals to recognize significant contribution to the advancement of the Nation’s health, outstanding leadership qualities, dedication, and involvement in health-related professional, community organizations or activities.
  3. The APAOC CAPT Allan Lock Award is open to current or past voting members of APAOC to recognize significant contribution and outstanding service to APAOC.

For more information about these awards, please visit the APAOC Awards website at:

Nominations may come from a supervisor or professional colleague who can attest to the impact of the nominee’s contribution to the advancement of public health. Self-nominations are also accepted.

Please note:   

(1) Current APAOC voting members are NOT eligible for the RADM Samuel Lin Award and RADM Kenneth Moritsugu Award.

(2) Recipients of an APAOC Honor Award in the past 5 years are NOT eligible.

Nominations are encouraged from all agencies (HHS and non-HHS) and shall be submitted electronically to the APAOC Awards and Recognition Subcommittee (point of contacts are listed at the end the announcement).

Each nomination packet should include the completed Nomination Form in pdf including the following components and instructions:

  • Nominator (including self-nomination) needs to sign the form
  • Nominations must be endorsed/signed by an Agency/Operating Division/Program Official, preferably the nominee’s immediate supervisor.
  • Signatures can be either ink or electronic (pdf the document then sign with a PIV card)
  • Citation for the award that the individual is being nominated//self-nominated.
  • A one-page Narrative Statement that describes the following items:
    • RADM Samuel Lin and RADM Kenneth Moritsugu Awards
      • The nominee’s contribution(s) to the advancement of the nation's health, specifically that of the Asian Pacific American Community, either through Agency work or PHS activities or outside of the officer’s official capacity
      • The leadership of the nominee within the Commissioned Corps and its impact; and specifically
      • The nominee’s contribution to APAOC and its impact
    • CAPT Allan Lock Award:
      • The nominee’s contribution(s) to APAOC, specifically, the nominee's accomplishment(s) leading to substantially assisting or improving APAOC and the Asian Pacific American Community.
      • The strong commitment and leadership of the nominee within the Commissioned Corps and APAOC, and its impact.
  • Supplementary document
    • Proof of Basic Readiness: Screen shots of Basic Readiness Status for the past 12 months
    • Proof of no current disciplinary action on file: a screen shot of the eOPF section on letter of reprimand

The nomination packet must be submitted as attachments to an email sent to the APAOC Awards & Recognition Subcommittee Chair and Co-Chair, CDR Kent Bui ( and LCDR Ji Hyun LaRose ( no later than 1700 (Eastern time) on Friday, February 10, 2023. Please contact CDR Bui or LCDR LaRose for any further questions.


PHS Honor Award Nomination

 The APAOC Awards and Recognition Subcommittee prepared the FAQs on PHS Honor Award nomination for officers’ accomplishments through APAOC activities. The FAQs incorporated some recent updates on award policy changes from CCHQ and guidance from Minority Officers Liaison Council. The document also includes some resources and tips that may be helpful for developing strong nomination packages. APAOC officers are highly encouraged to follow the FAQs and consider submitting nominations for recognizing APAOC accomplishments. We hope the FAQs will facilitate the nomination process in support of APAOC officers.

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