Call for Voting Member Nominations
Nominations Deadline: June 1, 2021
The Asian Pacific American Officers Committee (APAOC) is seeking motivated PHS officers to serve a three-year voting membership term beginning January 2022. This is a great opportunity for service and leadership development. Members who previously served as voting members of APAOC are encouraged to self-nominate for a second term.
The mission of APAOC is to facilitate the communication of minority related and professional development issues between the Office of the Surgeon General and officers among the various agencies of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. The APAOC especially aims to promote and encourage these objectives among Asian Pacific American Officers and civil service health professionals. APAOC currently meets every other month; travel is not required for membership, as virtual participation is available. Regular attendance at meetings is required. APAOC voting members are expected to actively participate in APAOC activities to include chairing/co-chairing subcommittees or workgroups throughout the term of service.
APAOC will recommend successful candidates to the Surgeon General for a 3-year appointment, with the concurrence of the line supervisors and OPDIV/STAFFDIV representatives.
Officers are encouraged to self-nominate by submitting the following items as one Adobe PDF file to LDCR Ji LaRose at Ji.LaRose@fda.hhs.gov and LCDR Yee Vang at yvang@bop.gov by June 1, 2021. Nominations not submitted as one PDF file by the deadline will not be accepted.
- A brief statement of interest in becoming an APAOC voting member, to include a description of your past and current involvement with APAOC and any other PHS groups such as a PAC, JOAG, Ensemble, etc., leadership experience, vision for APAOC, what you would like to accomplish during your term, and how you can further the mission of APAOC (no longer than 1 page, using Times New Roman 12 pt. font, with 1-inch margins).
- One-page CV summary (different from your category-specific CV, see attached template).
- Your supervisor’s concurrence (utilizing the attached Supervisory Approval form).
- General Membership Form (see attached fillable PDF form).
- Screenshots of your readiness status from RedDOG Self-Service showing you are Basic Ready in the last 12 months, and no reprimand letter on file.
Please indicate “APAOC Voting Membership Nomination – [insert your rank and name]” in the Subject line of the email to LCDR LaRose and LCDR Vang.
2021 APAOC CV Summary Template
2021 APAOC Membership Form
2021 APAOC Voting Membership FAQ
2021 APAOC Voting Membership Supervisory Approval Letter
Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025
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