Dental Listserv
Information for dentists in the U.S. Public Health Service is routinely distributed via e-mail using the National Institutes of Health listserv. The Dental Professional Advisory Committee offers a free subscription to the DentalBulletinBoard listserv. This listserv allows subscribers to receive via e-mail up-to-date information.
Dental Bulletin Board listserv is formatted as an announcement-only list, allowing for quick and timely dissemination of information pertinent to all subscribers. Announcements may include, but are not limited to, postings from the Chief Dental Officer of the USPHS, the Dental Professional Advisory Committee, the Readiness and Deployment Operations Group, job vacancies, and pertinent personnel, administrative, and clinical issues. It is a moderated mailing list, which means messages must be approved before forwarding to the list for distribution.
- To SUBSCRIBE OR UN-SUBSCRIBE to the Dental Bulletin Board List, please visit to connect to the subscription page. Carefully follow the instructions. For Subscription type, Mail header style, and Acknowledgements, it is best to leave the settings at the defaults. The Listserv will walk you through a very easy process of getting the account set up.
- To CORRECT/CHANGE your e-mail address on the Dental Bulletin Board List, please visit to connect to the “Change my Subscriber Address” page. Carefully follow the instructions. The Listserv will walk you through a very easy process of getting your e-mail address changed.
- To BROWSE the list archives online, please visit to connect to the Listserv archive page. From here you can browse by month for any messages that were posted.
- To post messages to all subscribers on the Listserv, send an e-mail message worded exactly as you want it to be viewed to the e-mail address: The message will be reviewed by the list moderators for approval, then sent to all list subscribers.
Eligibility for List Subscriptions
All DHHS dentists and dental hygienists are eligible to subscribe to the Dental Bulletin Board. These dental health care professionals may be: (1) either active or retired; (2) Commissioned Corps, Civil Service, or contract/tribal hire; (3) dentists or dental hygienists; (4) other disciplines involved in Federal oral health programs.
Standards of Conduct (Etiquette)
Messages posted to the listservs are disseminated to all subscribers. Subscribers to the USPHS Dental Category Bulletin Board must adhere to the following principles:
- All postings must demonstrate courtesy and consideration of others, as outlined in §73.735-301, CCPM #62.
- All postings must not violate the U.S. Public Health Service Standards of Conduct (applicable to all USPHS officers, whether retired, inactive, or on active duty (including those on leave without pay), which is available for viewing at the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service Homepage (
- USPHS Officers are health professionals in public service. Beyond professional competence, your behavior must reflect the highest degree of integrity and impartiality (Memorandum from RADM Michael Davidson, dated November 11, 2001). Thus, all e-mail correspondence should reflect professionalism, honesty, and integrity.
- The Dental Bulletin Board should be used in a positive and cordial manner, and all effort should be made to avoid personal attacks on any person, whether a subscriber or not.
Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025