Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Dental Professional Advisory Committee


The Public Health Service (PHS) Commissioned Corps is one of the eight Uniformed Services of the United States.  Commissioned Corps officers may be authorized by the agency to which they are assigned and/or local uniform authority (LUA) to wear various uniforms, uniformed articles/components, and accessories. Click here for guidance for purchasing ODU. PHS uniform items may be purchased from most U.S. Navy installations or the U.S. Navy Uniform Support Center in Chesapeake, Virginia.  Items such as PHS T-shirts, sweat clothing, mugs, bags, decals, etc., may be purchased through the PHS Officer Supply and Device Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Navy and Marine Corps
Uniform Support Center

Mail Order Program
Suite 200, 1240 Gator Blvd.
2nd Floor, Bldg 3126
Norfolk, Va 23521-2315
Fax: 1-757 502-7532

An officer called to active duty with the PHS for the first time is entitled to a one-time uniform allowance of $250.  This dollar amount will not cover all uniform expenses but will allow you to  purchase a basic uniform of some type.  Every officer is required to own a Service Dress Blue Uniform (see pictures below of officers in uniform).

New officers are recommended to attend the Officer Basic Course (OBC) to gain an in-depth knowledge of correct uniform wear, required grooming standards when in uniform, and uniformed service customs and courtesies. A listing of available course dates is maintained on the web site of the Commissioned Officer Training Academy at

Officers in USPHS Uniform

Service Dress Blues Uniform  Khaki Uniform  Summer Whites Uniform 

The following links will guide a new officer through the rules and regulations.

Page Last Modified on 8/30/2024

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