Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Engineer Professional Advisory Committee


Chair: CDR David Gwisdalla Vice Chair: CAPT Tara Gooen Bizjak 

Meeting Information

  • Join on computer or call-in: 4th Wednesday of every month from 1500-1600 Hours ET.
    • MS Teams. Passcode: Qe5tYV
    • (513) 769-4574, 335304847#


    Deployment Outreach and Awareness (Readiness Survey, Deployment Booklet): CDR Michael Tollon and LCDR George Ngatha 

    Engineer Readiness Training and Education (Disaster Facility): CDR Steven Tidwell, CDR David Gwisdalla, LCDR Drew Katherine

    Engineer Readiness Training and Education (Healthcare Facility): CDR Praveen KC and CDR Joseph Jones

    Information ManagementLCDR Stephen Fields and CDR Marcus Yambot

    Readiness Subcommittee Standard Operating Procedure

    This webpage provides relevant information and guidance to assist USPHS Engineer Officers in preparing for deployments and for response planners in understanding the capabilities of USPHS Engineer Officers. The Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB) within CCHQ is the official source of deployment information for USPHS Engineer Officers.

    Disaster Response Engineer (DRE) Training Curriculum New

    Engineer roles in disaster response missions can be diverse. The disaster response engineer training curriculum is intended to assist in gearing engineers for those diverse deployment scenarios. The curriculum developed totals 34 hours. Please note that not all of the content in each of these courses apply directly to USPHS Disaster Response Deployments. Please visit this new subpage for more detailed information concerning this new curriculum. Within the curriculum, there are two focus areas that these courses are intended to address:

    • Healthcare Facility Response and Recovery Operations
    • Public Health Infrastructure Response and Recovery Operations

    Solicitation of 2021 Deployment Narratives New

    The EPAC Readiness Subcommittee is in the process of preparing for the 2021 Deployed Engineers Booklet. It is hoped that by sharing deployment stories we can continue to document and honor the contributions of our beloved USPHS engineers to the mission of the United States Public Health Service.

    Please use this form as a template to submit your deployment stories, photos, and essays for the 2021 edition of the Engineer Deployment Booklet.  Please submit your feedback, reflections, and narrative in this format.  As our booklets are intended to be posted on the internet, please ensure that your entry does not include any confidential, protected or proprietary agency, institutional or government information. All entries should also be suitable for public dissemination. Submissions are requested to be emailed to by April 30, 2022.

    If you have questions, please contact LCDR George K. Ngatha at

    Readiness-APFTIcon.png     Readiness-ODUPurchasingIcon.png      Readiness-MedForms.png        

    EPAC Library of Engineering & Operations New

    The EPAC Library of Engineering & Operations was created to connect USPHS Commissioned Corps engineers with documents, resources, and other officers. Useful documents & resources are curated here. Your submissions are welcome. The library is built upon a secure FedRAMP authorized instance of Microsoft Teams and connects you via your personal or agency-issued smartphone using the Microsoft Teams app.

     To join the EPAC Library of Engineering & Operations, or submit useful documents & resources, please contact the curators via your government email address:

    Readiness and Deployment Branch

    Deployment Preparation

    USPHS Engineer Deployments

    Technical References

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